There is a deep-felt desire among the people to stand firmly together in dealing with the challenges of the future.

In all of my possessions, in all moments, whether hard or happy, I was accompanied by my dear wife, Lilly, who supported me wholeheartedly.

Arafat is the greatest obstacle to peace and stability in the Middle East.

Israel does not start wars.

We have built cities, developed industry and cultivated agriculture - we have transformed the State of Israel into an example and symbol for many other countries in the world.

In times of peace, just as today in our fight against terror, the United States and Israel stand together.

Israel, an embattled democracy, has been fighting terrorism for over 100 years.

Both during the elections and as Prime Minister, I have repeatedly and publicly said that I support the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel.

There is no bullet-proof vest in my size.

The modern GOP has perfected this cyclical deficit outrage ritual. Republicans run up the tab when they control the White House, then scream about deficits when Democrats win - insisting that 'serious reform' means cutting only Democratic budget priorities.

In campaigns, promises are usually treated skeptically. Past positions are viewed as the one reliable way to gauge a candidate's instincts.

Obama won the presidency by running the first integrated three-screen campaign - reaching people directly via Internet, cell phones, and TV - with an authentic, complex style that resonated for voters sick of dark, deceitful, and divisive politics.

Historically, the most favorably viewed figure in any administration is the first lady, regardless of her husband's popularity. That is largely because first ladies avoid the political fray and are ritualistically presented as a warm, human presence in the White House.

It's hard to be a national punch line unless lots of voters have soured on you.

Confronting Republicans can definitely mobilize a disaffected Democratic base.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid likes to reminisce about being an amateur boxer. But his Senate tenure has often looked like an endless rope-a-dope.

Of course, no one doubts McCain's personal tenacity, from braving torture to overcoming cancer. Yet plenty of nonpartisan observers doubt his credibility.

When controversy calls, corporations can be far more responsive than politicians. The market votes every day, after all.

Shareholders, of course, have every right to weigh in on whether (or how) they want a company to exercise political influence.

A healthy corporation acts on the interests of its stakeholders and customers.

Corporations, like nations, do not have friends. They have interests.

Anyone with a cursory knowledge of American history knows that unchecked spying undermines democracy and public trust.

Like any extraordinary power, surveillance provides temptations for abuse, such as tracking political opponents and journalists.

From the Fourth Amendment to post-Watergate reforms to the national outcry when Bush's warrantless surveillance was revealed in 2005, the United States has a strong tradition of overseeing the government's power to spy on its citizens.