I believe in working with the hearts of people, and not locking them up.

In Europe, the big word is tolerance. You tolerate everything.

Homosexuals are riding high in the media.

Many of those people involved in Adolf Hitler were Satanists, many were homosexuals - the two things seem to go together.

It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-biased media and the homosexuals who want to destroy all Christians.

Is there in all the history of human folly a greater fool than a clergymen in politics?

I know one man who was impotent who gave AIDS to his wife and the only thing they did was kiss.

There are times in history where a particular doctrine becomes a symbol of a greater problem.

The Ten Commandments are the most visible symbol because these commandments are recognized by Christians and Jews alike as being the foundation of our system of public morality.

It's the tyranny of an oligarchy that I'm concerned about.

In 1998, I founded the American Center for Law and Justice, probably the premier public interest law firm in America defending the rights of believers.

If you look over the course of a hundred years, I think the gradual erosion of the consensus that's held our country together is probably more serious than a few bearded terrorists who fly into buildings.

I think the Democrats are catering to them, but, you know, in the entire history of the United States of America, there has never been a judge who has been refused a vote when there was a majority of Senators willing to vote for his confirmation, never in history.

I mean, George Bush is a man of prayer. He talks to the lord. He tries to get his direction from the lord.

I cite in my book countless examples of the foundational documents of the colonial period in America and the writings of the leaders, that this was intended to be a Christian nation.

I also pray for favor and His anointing on my life and ministry that I might have spiritual blessing when I minister to people. They're my principal prayers; I don't have a prayer list that I go down.

But there's no reason why we should abdicate our foundational principles because certain groups don't believe in them. You know, no majority should surrender its deeply held beliefs to those who don't believe in anything.

And I think the blessing of heaven is on Bush. It's just the way it is.

And I think that George Bush really is a very godly person.

The founding document of the United States of America acknowledges the Lordship of Jesus Christ because we are a Christian nation.

I've been to Israel many times - I've lost count of how many times.

But I never, never thought of the ministry nor did - of course, television when I was growing up, there was no television. So I didn't know anything about it.

When I was in charge of the Christian Coalition I was available to mobilize grass roots support for somebody.

What I heard was that Bush is now positioned to have victory after victory. He'll have Social Security reform passed, that he'll have tax reform passed, that he'll have conservative judges on the courts.