There is a tendency to attack some particular group of people and scapegoat them, but this is not the right attitude to cope with epidemics.

As do most Koreans, Seoul residents consider the uncertainty related to housing to be the biggest threat to their livelihoods.

With the Korean economy faltering, Seoul City will do its best to address problems regarding people's economic livelihoods - the most important part of this effort being public housing.

I believe in building a peaceful world that is also a safe place for animals.

In the past, we had several dog butcher shops in Cheongnyangni, but I closed almost all of them down through various measures.

Korea remains in a very difficult position, politically, diplomatically and economically. Thus, it is very important to strike a balance with global powers. How well balanced Korea will be will determine what kind of roles we could play in the future.

Predicting and responding to the global economy will be the biggest challenge.

One of my philosophies is that citizens are the mayor... so we have citizens play an integral role in making policies and implementing them.

There are many challenges ahead, and one of the most important ones I face is ensuring the future sustainability of our city.

We need to put priority on addressing issues related to people's daily lives and their economic hardships.

I oppose discrimination against homosexuals, but I do not support them, either.

It's problematic when we have excessive numbers of police taking over the streets. People visiting Seoul for the first time might think... this is a military state.

The main issue of cities is to tackle climate change and it is the issue of the current and next generations. Sustainability cannot be emphasized too much and I have designated the issue of climate change as the most important to solve.

When foreign tourists come to Seoul, they will likely want to experience the city more. The city combines past, present and future landscapes that cannot be found elsewhere.

Touring Seoul is like an onion that you keep peeling away layer after layer.

We have many different kinds of global centers like the global business center or the special center for Mongolian and Central Asian residents in Seoul.

It's in the hands of activists to expand the universal concept of human rights to include homosexuals. Once they persuade the people, the politicians will follow.

For me personally, it is one of my biggest priorities to build a sustainable city that can respond properly to the climate change.

With regard to the 5G market, China is rather a competitor than a partner.

In the journey to peace and to reunification, I always emphasize that we are not climbing just one mountain, we are climbing a range of mountains and, of course in this process, we will face a lot of difficulties. However, peace will be settled and the two Koreas will achieve reunification.

We hope that the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates will help us to promote Seoul as a symbol of peace beyond war and division in order to attract global attention to peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Many homosexual couples in Korea are already together. They are not legally accepted yet, but I believe the Korean Constitution allows it. We are guaranteed the right to the pursuit of happiness. Of course, there may be different interpretations to what that pursuit means.

As the nation is aware, I have been doing charity movements through the Beautiful Foundation and Beautiful Stores, and carrying out projects to promote hope and governance of our society.

Being elected as Seoul Mayor came to me like God's calling.