I am kind of an idealist but I became a DUP member because I believe politics should have a footing in harsh reality.

Humans can't live independently. We should work together and dream together.

Seoul will co-operate with the national government so that the 2032 Summer Olympics become something more than a sports festival - an opportunity to change the fate of the Korean Peninsula.

Yongsan Garrison is an important venue representing Korea's modern history which will be preserved.

The Seoul city government has been cooperating with the central government to stabilize the housing market, and we plan to brainstorm all possible ways with the government to better counter the issue.

Transparency increases credibility and accountability.

Hope does not fall from the sky. We create hope ourselves.

I personally agree with the rights of homosexuals. But the Protestant churches are very powerful in Korea. It isn't easy for politicians.

Seoul will strictly limit the total greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and expand the construction of zero-energy buildings.

The parties are all trying to reinvent themselves. I believe this upheaval is destined to take the country's fate into a different direction.

By applying blockchain technology to voting platforms, we can prevent tampering with online voting, which will increase confidence in the voting results of voters and residents in Seoul.

Seoul citizens are becoming the owners of solar power plants by directly participating in solar generation through installation of mini solar photovoltaic, energy cooperative activities, or raising solar funds.

By solving housing and childcare problems, we will achieve a society where each person can properly invest in their development and realize their full potential.

I published a thesis about animal rights when I was studying in England in 1991. Back then, I was a human rights lawyer and people condemned me for talking about animal rights when human rights are still not guaranteed. However, human rights are guaranteed in a society where animal rights are secured.

When we travel to other countries, the Internet speed is so much slower. So I think in terms of technology, 5G and Internet speed, Korea has an absolute advantage over other countries.

Sometimes even my old friends are against me. But it's important to face your opposition and hear them out.

Seoul will build more resource recovery facilities and establish new recycling facilities with the aim of achieving zero landfills of domestic waste.

We believe open data helps citizens have a better understanding about Seoul's policies and motivates them to join the city government's efforts.

Seoul is becoming a global city.

My motto for Seoul is 'From Good to Great.'

Coronavirus is constantly attacking society's vulnerable classes and spaces. We must shake off the fantasy that we can go back to the past we were accustomed to.

Blockchain is an innovative technology with the power to change society and is gaining the world's attention as a technology to enhance the competitiveness of the urban economy.

The influence of culture and arts is much larger than the influence of economy sometimes.

If we discover niche services that have been overlooked in our society, we can create many jobs for the unemployed, retired and young people.