The Scottish Government will continue to do all it can to get people into work.

Many hard working people in low paid jobs get housing benefit.

People in Scotland don't take too kindly to being lectured by a Tory Chancellor.

For the Scottish government, the practice of having meetings in different parts of the country is well established, but for the U.K. government, it is a much rarer event.

The total impact of the Tory/Liberal tax, welfare and public spending changes has hit the poorest 10% in society disproportionately hard - and women have been affected even more badly than men.

I and Alex Salmond are not in competition - we are on the same side; we are on the same team, working together.

Under the Fixed Term Parliaments Act, it is possible for other parties to change the direction of a government without bringing a government down.

The fact is Scottish Labour has lost its way.

The decision on whether there is another referendum is down to the Scottish people.

Some of the brightest and best women in our society are stifled in their ambitions.

True gender equality in Scotland - and elsewhere - is still some way off.

I believe we should support people to live, and I am therefore in favour of good quality palliative care.

Politics is a very male-dominated, male-driven profession. I was not just a woman but a young woman, and I suppose you end up trying to behave in a way that you think is expected of you.

Twitter's probably my bad habit.

For parents - women in particular - good quality, affordable childcare is vital.

For me, personally, it has been humbling since I became First Minister to speak to women and girls and have them tell me how much it means to them to have a woman in the top job in politics in Scotland.

I'm not going to do anything that heralds in a Tory government.

Labour long ago realised it could no longer automatically assume that it would win elections in Glasgow and other places where it has taken people's votes for granted for decades - as we have seen across Scotland at local council and Holyrood elections.

Instead of an end to austerity, Labour has made clear that it wants to impose more austerity cuts.

It still annoys me when I read really derogatory things about how a woman looks because you would usually not read these things about a man, and that still has the potential to put women off public life.

Glasgow is a great city.

American companies based in Scotland employ large numbers of people - in fact, we are the best performing part of the U.K., outside London and the southeast of England when it comes to attracting foreign direct investment.

Scotch beef, salmon and shellfish are recognised the world over for their excellence and Scottish provenance. People recognise the Scottish brand. They associate the country with quality food and drink, and clearly other Scottish sectors, such as dairy, can benefit from that, too.

Social media is natural to me, and it's a very immediate way of saying something. It's the way politics are done these days. In modern politics, you can't ignore that even if you wanted to. I can't imagine doing politics without it.