I have fielded mothers, whose empowerment can bring the real double engine growth.

Aska is going to create history and show the way to the entire country by sending a member of women SHG to Parliament and four women members to the state assembly.

Rising fuel prices, growing agrarian distress, and unemployment are the three major issues to dominate the 2019 general elections.

Where is special category status? Where is women's reservation bill? Where is the farmers' insurance? Why did Odisha not receive any cooperation and help from the Centre?

I am always with poor and will continue work for protecting their interests.

I want to clarify that as far as the Mahagathbandhan is concerned, the Biju Janata Dal is not a part of it.

We always need the support of the Centre.

I believe in constructive cooperation from the central government for any development and welfare schemes for Odisha. I want to work in cooperation with them for the development of the state.

I am very grateful to the MLAs for unanimously electing me as the BJD legislature party leader.

If India is to lead the world, if India is to be an advanced nation like America and China, then women empowerment is the only answer.

My sister is not interested in any political positions; not in Rajya Sabha or anything else.

After 2014, a number of my friends from Delhi rang up very concerned because they thought I was in bad health. But my health has always been good, and I told them so. They told me that this is what Baijayant Panda was spreading. This was a shock.

The people of Odisha know who fulfils promises and who does not. We believe in works and not in words.

Development of Kendrapada is now my responsibility. I will personally monitor development of the district.

For cyclone-proof energy infrastructure, we would definitely explore all possibilities, including international support.

Our government has been pro-poor, progressive, and people-oriented.

The JD, as a party, is dead.

The people of Orissa had unmatched love and respect for Bijubabu. There is no way that you can wish away his legacy.

I think political parties can be funded in a perfectly rational way without being corrupt.

I think it is commonplace for parties to change candidates and reshuffle ministries to bring in new faces.

Personally, I have never considered myself corrupt or seen the need to be so. People are judged as what they are perceived to be.

If you succeed in doing something good for the people, it gives you a great sense of satisfaction.

The people of Gujarat were always more prosperous than most other states. It is the people of Gujarat who should be given credit for the development of Gujarat.

I don't have a problem with the Centre sanctioning funds to any state. However, when this is done for narrow political considerations, it damages the federal fabric mandated by the Constitution.