Being an MP is a challenging job - it's strange hours, and if you have another half, they have to be supportive. But it can be very flexible, and of course you get recesses, which I find work very well around school term times.

Transparency concentrates minds.

My husband's there full-time with our son so he's leading on that side of things. He's the one who has the homework battles Monday to Thursday.

Parliamentary sovereignty - the right to pass laws as the supreme legal authority in the land, including laws that limit the powers of the executive - has been hard-won over hundreds of years. We trample on it at our peril.

One of the roles of the Treasury committee is to look under the bonnet of the financial services sector to shine a light on any of its shortcomings.

Watching talented colleagues walking away from the Cabinet table is never easy.

Every child is entitled to an academic education. But resilience, stickability, self-esteem - they need these things, too, and even more than the privately educated.

One person's rebel is another person's freedom fighter, isn't it?

I guess I am a more, I don't know, consumer-facing politician.

All over the country, thousands of schools and teachers are working incredibly hard, day in day out, to eliminate homophobia, and we are committed to helping them.

There's no doubt immigration can put pressure on public services, especially in places like Slough, but I'm not one of those people who think that immigration is always a bad thing.

We hear some people talk about the nanny state and, actually, we don't want to be telling people how to bring up their children, or how to be parents.

I was a candidate in Loughborough in the 2005 election. I had a good result against the sitting Labour MP but not enough to unseat him.

As the world around us changes, our laws must change too.

With Brexit, and I think the extraordinary strain it's put on our constitution and our representative democracy, I do sometimes feel like I'm in the middle of the 17th Century, when you are standing up for the rights of Parliament.

The risk of reputational damage, causing good female talent to decline to work for a firm based on its disclosure, is the strongest reason for firms to address their gender pay gap.

It would be wrong to say immigration holds results back or affects overall qualifications ultimately. But at the start of primary school, especially, it means that teachers have to tailor their lessons, to spend longer with pupils who have English as a second language.

We will expect every pupil by the age of 11 to know their times tables off by heart, to perform long division and complex multiplication and to be able to read a novel. They should be able to write a short story with accurate punctuation, spelling and grammar.

Conservative politics are about pragmatism, realism and stability.

Sadly, Isis are extremely intolerant of homosexuality.

Often parents themselves will not have liked education and may not have done well in education. But actually we need to explain to them what education can do for children.

Actions speak a whole lot louder than President Trump's words and tweets.

One of the things I have found is that everyone has a view on education.

As chair of the Treasury Select Committee I hear time and time again just how important E.U. citizens are to the financial services sector. It is also apparent just how critical they are for our NHS too.