I was a Thatcherite. But to be fair, I probably have changed my outlook.

Life isn't black or white, it's all sorts of shades of grey.

Brexit isn't just about leaving the E.U. It's also about rebuilding trust with the electorate.

We should make it very clear to Saudi Aramco and others who want to list in London that they are very welcome but we aren't going to overly amend the rules just for one particular listing.

As a lawyer I did various IPOs and I know the power of our listing rules and the respect that has around the world.

I think education is probably one of those things that once you've been involved with it you're always interested.

I do understand that, having been a minister, there is difficulty putting stuff into legislation which is being negotiated. I quite understand.

I don't want to see the City lose its pre-eminence as the best place in the world to do business.

We have to be ambitious for our young people.

What I want to see in teacher training is more talk about character education and getting teachers to really think about it. We have been careful not to define what we mean by character but we think the best schools and the best teachers know how they build strong, resilient young people.

Speaking as a parent, I don't think parents think all the time about structures. I know from conversations I've had with other mums, I'll ask: 'Is your child's school an academy or a local authority school?' - and they'll look at me blankly.

If people think that local elections are won or lost on local education matters, that isn't happening.

At the end of the day local authorities are responsible for economic growth in their area. They don't buy and sell businesses, they don't build businesses, what they do is work to attract businesses their area, through a combination of things.

We have got schools that can absolutely stand on their own two feet, and I think that's what we should be doing as Conservatives.

I would like to talk more about education because I think these things absolutely do matter - education, NHS, public services.

Children being groomed to travel abroad or disagree with British values could happen anywhere.

You can never make an assumption about the conversation you are about to have with somebody. People will always surprise you, which is what keeps you on your toes.

At the end of the day, any political party wants to see an increase in membership.

The Treasury has responsibility for increasing employment and productivity, ensuring strong growth and competitiveness across all regions of the U.K.

It is not right that in 2019 the lives of too many of our people are still subject to a postcode lottery.

There have been plenty of little changes down the years but what's never been changed is that the fact that marriage is between a man and a woman.

I totally support civil partnerships and that same-sex relationships are recognised in law. But marriage, to me, is between a man and a woman.

People say if you're being bullied don't go online. But we don't tell a women not to walk the streets.

If we want to make the most of half of our workforce, if we want to eliminate the gender pay gap and we want that same half of the workforce to succeed in jobs that boost our economy, we must make sure that teenage girls don't feel, and are certainly not told, that certain subjects are the preserve of men.