I think you should always aim for more.

People don't want to go back to the days, pre-referendum, when the Westminster establishment sidelined and ignored Scotland. They want Scotland's voice to be heard.

It's very much the currency of discourse on social media where political disagreements very quickly become very personalised.

I am a social democrat - I believe in pursuing greater equality and tackling social justice - but... you can't do that unless you have got a strong economy, unless you have got a vibrant business base earning the wealth that makes that possible.

It's not opinion polls that determine the outcome of elections, it's votes in ballot boxes.

To every woman out there who thinks that they might like to get involved in politics or stand for parliament, I say go for it. If I can do it, so can you.

A good education is the most important gift we can give our young people.

Thatcher was the motivation for my entire political career. I hated everything she stood for.

When evaluating the suitability of a woman for a role, or using certain language in job advertisements, biases can creep in.

It is vital to understand what voters expect from Brexit, especially given the lack of a leave manifesto.

Visiting schools, I'm lucky enough to see the impact that education has in transforming young lives.

Democracy is a precious thing and the rights of parliament are a precious thing.

Inevitably, the role of being a backbench Member of Parliament is completely different from being a minister bound by collective responsibility.

Radicalisation or the risk of children being drawn into non violent extremism is a very real threat in this country.

We've been clear that schools shouldn't just tackle direct homophobic bullying, but also the use of phrases like 'that's so gay' to mean rubbish or bad, because we know the devastating impact they can have on young people's self-esteem.

There will always be people who try to deter you or crush your confidence but don't let them knock you back. Focus on gaining the support of the people you respect.

I have learned as I've grown up that it's too easy to worry that others are looking at you, or judging you, but most of the time they are just getting on with their own lives.

At school, girls sometimes find it hard to speak up.

You should never hold back in giving your opinion - it's important to always stand up for what you believe in and not just agree with those around you.

I believe that all parts of our nation and everyone within it need to be brought together and treated as a whole, with no one left behind.

I'm a one-nation Conservative and that means exactly what it says on the tin.

We make no apology for being bold and ambitious.

We need our national broadcasters to bring people together, to reflect our common values, and to showcase these values to the world.

The honest truth in life is that you never appreciate what you've got until you've lost it.