Israel is not Vegas, and it will not be.

Hamas has effectively kidnapped Gaza. Instead of turning it into the Singapore of the Middle East that was promised, they have turned it into a fortress of terror.

The prime minister is not a private individual, but the leader of the Jewish State and the Jewish world as a whole.

Israel is stronger than all those who curse it.

There is no one single solution to eradicate phishing.

I want to do good for Israel. My philosophy is let's do good stuff, and let's see what happens. And que sera, sera.

I myself have felt the wrath of the media, but that's part of what a good democracy is.

You can't build a society without law.

I opened about a dozen employment centers for Arab women across Israel during my two years as minister of economy.

If you want to change things, it requires bravery.

The Israeli public is frustrated with the way it is portrayed abroad.

The Israeli government has already established a fund to encourage young Arab women, specifically from the Bedouin community, to study engineering. We are funding their university studies and providing them with mentors who assist them with their studies and the job placement process.

Historically, the National Religious Party, which my party - Jewish Home - is built upon, has aligned itself in consecutive Israeli governments with the ultra-Orthodox factions.

Israel now has a reputation around the world of being not just a place to develop products and technology but to develop ideas.

Haredi youth are smart, and they are going to bring a big benefit to the high-tech industry.

It's no secret that I wear a kippa.

No country in the world is going to recognize that Ariel and Maaleh Adumim and Beit El are a sovereign part of Israel.

I want the world to understand that a Palestinian state means no Israeli state. That's the equation.

Things are expensive, very expensive in Israel for many reasons. One of the reasons is our ports. It's a monopoly. They run very poorly. And we have ships that are stuck in the ocean for three or four days or a week, and all that cost is transferred to the products and the consumer.

Israel, contrary to most of the West, has a high fertility rate, so there's a lot of young people in Israel. Most families have three kids as opposed to one or two, so a big proportion of the population is under 30.

Israel is not the safest place in the world for Jews. Melbourne in Australia is better. Teaneck, New Jersey, is safer.

Netanyahu's raison d'etre is to save Israel from Iran. That is it. That is his mission in the most profound sense. I have seen it up close.

We know that 99.9% of Arab-Israelis are loyal to Israel.

Let's be honest: discrimination against Arabs exists in Israel.