I am proud of religious Zionism. I am proud of the members of religious Zionism because it is a true ideological public.

I think people appreciate honesty.

When you negotiate with terrorists, you get more terror.

There are roughly 22,000 Palestinians working side by side with what you call settlers in factories and malls in the West Bank. If you work together, you start understanding each other.

I want every Israeli child, secular and religious, to know about Moses, about Maimonides, about Yoni Netanyahu, about Hannah Senesh and S. Y. Agnon. I want every child to know how to read the Bible, and know how to make Kiddush.

Factually, the Temple Mount is the precise location of the Temple. It's the holiest place in the world for Jews. It's the third holiest place for Muslims. And we need to respect each others' rights, freedom of religion.

The Palestinian Authority has become the biggest terror body in the world.

People think that Israelis are mean, evil people who only want to hurt Arabs all day.

Judaism doesn't recognize gay marriage, just as we don't recognize milk and meat together as kosher, and nothing will change it... I'm not a hypocrite; I state my positions.

Jews have been living in Jerusalem way before British people were living in London.

You can't be a conqueror in your own home.

In a perfect world, there would be freedom of religion and freedom for all religions to exercise their religion everywhere.

Demonetisation is going to result in long-term gains for the country.

Generally, I have lot of patience, and I won't take a decision immediately on anything. I will think twice, thrice; then only I take a decision.

TDP is always very assertive for public interest.

I have been in the politics for the last 40 years. I became chief minister in 1995 and worked in the NDA and UPA. I have seen it all.

Digital economy is happening everywhere in the world.

Fourth industrial revolution is a deadly combination of technology and Internet of Things.

At the end of the day, politics is meant to do good to the society.

High-level corruption, inefficiency, non-governance, and policy paralysis have crippled the nation's economy.

For Modi, India offers a great opportunity for development with excellent natural and human resources.

I feel Delhi always has a problem in understanding different regions and cultures.

People should have fear of the law.

I am satisfied with my achievements in terms of both development and welfare. I have not only lived up to most of the expectations of people, but also surpassed some of their expectations.