TDP had to join hands with the Congress given the need for a major anchor party in the front against the BJP.

I was an active participant in India's key economic reforms, including the third industrial revolution and now the fourth industrial revolution.

I am interested in creating model for the global community by using technology and creating ease of doing business, ease of living, and creating higher living standards in A.P.

Modi made history in 2014 by becoming the first non-Congress government at the Centre to get absolute majority.

In united Andhra Pradesh, I created a knowledge hub in Hyderabad. Bangalore, Hyderabad - these are places of the future.

Technology should be used for better purposes, for people's overall welfare and development of state and country, instead of misusing it to win elections.

I proudly claim that what Modi could not succeed in Gujarat, I have done for Hyderabad to put it on the international map. None can rob that credit from me.

All political parties with secular credentials are bound to align and unite in fighting against communal forces. So, when the time comes, I believe that the SP and the BJP will join the Mahagathbandhan at the national level.

I am quick to adopt new ideas. If there is something good, I will follow it and implement it. I adopted information technology in 1985.

I can see a distinct anti-Modi and anti-NDA wave across the country.

I joined NDA because Andhra Pradesh needed the Centre's handholding.

Whenever the country has faced a crisis, the TDP has played a positive and constructive role.

There are abundant opportunities for A.P. No other Indian state has such great opportunities to develop port-based industrial economies.

Given my earlier experience as the longest served CM of the erstwhile undivided A.P., I focused on choosing right people in the right place with clear priorities in the departments that were vital to attract large-scale investments into the state.

Women are inferior to none.

Trump spoke badly about women... It sparked worldwide reactions.

If you listen to what Trump says, you will understand the hollowness. Even a top-ranking nation like America is having a leadership crisis.

America was once the safest place. I used to ask our people why they were going there. They used to say America is the safest place.

What is America? Best brains in the world migrate to the U.S. If there are best brains, they will produce best results.

Earlier, physical currency used to dominate. Now, mobile currency or digital currency is dominating. For digital currency, fintech is very crucial.

I also expected a lot from Modi, like every citizen. Talking is different; delivering is important.

In a record time of five-and-a-half months, we completed the prestigious Pattiseema irrigation project, linking two major rivers in the state.

The Congress is dividing the country on the lines of caste and regions. We need a stable government to put the country and its economy back on the rails.

People have faith in me because of my track record.