I think that the effort to continue to look for some law to somehow make violence go away is missing the point.

Pre-existing conditions for those previously insured must not lead to someone being unable to get insurance.

I think when a campaign is dishonest in the ads they run about another candidate, it diminishes the campaign, it diminishes the candidate, and it diminishes the presidency.

Let's give people more incentives to get fuel efficient vehicles.

I'd like Americans to save their money, and not get taxed on their savings.

I've been in politics now for long enough to not worry about what others are saying, but instead to talk about what I believe.

Ah, it's too hard to pick a favorite president. It really is. It's like picking your favorite from a box of chocolates - I love all of them.

You've got to be really careful about what you say and do anywhere you are. I actually had a dream about being in parking garage and having somebody in front of me taking too long to get their change and honking the horn and then yelling back, and getting out and yelling at each other and then seeing it on YouTube the next day.

The right course is for the Palestinians and the Israelis to sit down at the table together. The Palestinians need to recognize that the course to the two-state solution is not through the United Nations or through the United States or through anyone else, but through a face to face series of negotiations with the Israelis.

Every year, virtually every governor balances the budget.

I talk a great deal to prior Secretaries of State about policy issues.

American official policy is that Egypt is an ally of the United States. Of course, we recognize that Egypt has gone through a dramatic change in government. And what their status will be going forward in terms of the relationship with our nation is something which which I'm sure will be developing over time.

When I was elected governor of my state, I had a legislature 87 percent Democrat. It was not lost on me that to get anything done, I couldn't be attacking them. I had to find ways to reach out to them.

It kills me not to be there, not to be in the White House doing what needs to be done.

I care about America. I care about the people that can't find jobs. I care about my 20 grandkids and what kind of America they are going to have.

I lost my election because of my campaign, not because of what anyone else did.

I'd think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.

I read serious books, but every now and then, I read just for fun.

I'm a policy guy, believe it or not. I love policy. I love solving tough problems.

There are a lot of people who go to Washington or go to their state houses with a personal ambition in mind.

I would love to say to all Americans: 'Each candidate is going to produce a film of an hour and a half. You're going to watch one from each candidate, and then you're going to vote!'

Fourth, to assure every entrepreneur and every job creator that their investments in America will not vanish as have those in Greece, we will cut the deficit and put America on track to a balanced budget.

Third, we will make trade work for America by forging new trade agreements. And when nations cheat in trade, there will be unmistakable consequences.

And let me make this very clear - unlike President Obama, I will not raise taxes on the middle class. As president, I will protect the sanctity of life. I will honor the institution of marriage. And I will guarantee America's first liberty: the freedom of religion.