And that's how it is in America. We look to our communities, our faiths, our families for our joy, our support, in good times and bad. It is both how we live our lives and why we live our lives.

I like American cars. And I would do nothing to hurt the U.S. auto industry.

I don't want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following.

I don't like vampires personally. I don't know any.

A nation has the capacity to choose its own capital city, and Jerusalem is Israel's capital.

The principles that made this nation a great and powerful leader of the world, have not lost their meaning. They never will. We know we can bring this country back. I'm Mitt Romney. I believe in America. And I'm running for president of the United States.

Were it my choice, I would not vote for Russia to hold the Winter Olympics or the Summer Olympics. But it's not my choice.

The people who can save this party are Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or John Kasich.

Instead of just giving lip service to improving our schools, I will actually put the kids first and the teachers union behind in giving our kids better teachers, better options and better choices for a better future.

An earthquake strikes Haiti, and care packages from America are among the first to arrive - and not far behind are former Presidents Clinton and Bush.

What America needs is jobs. Lots of jobs.

Washington has to become an ally of business, not the opposition of business.

Donald Trump has shown an extraordinary ability to show an understanding how our economy works, to create jobs for the American people.

To help the parents make the choice of which school to send their child to, I would insist that schools are graded on a simple basis that parents can understand, A through F. The way Florida is done.

Sometimes I wonder whether Washington's liberal politicians truly understand the greatness that is America.

This is a global effort we're going to have to lead to overcome this jihadist effort. It's more than Osama bin Laden. But he is going to pay, and he will die.

Central to America's rise to global leadership is our Judeo-Christian tradition with the vision of the goodness and possibilities of every human life.

The President of the United States has long been the leader of the free world. The president and, yes, the nominees of the country's great parties help define America to billions of people. All of them bear the responsibility of being an example for our children and grandchildren.

Letting people into WTO who intend to cheat is obviously a mistake.

If you believe the disappointments - if you believe the disappointments in the last few years are a detour and not our destiny, then I'm asking for your vote.

Now not every policy Donald Trump has floated is bad. He wants to repeal and replace Obamacare. He wants to bring jobs home from China and Japan. But his prescriptions to do these things are flimsy at best.

People from both political parties have long recognized that welfare without work creates negative incentives that lead to permanent poverty. It robs people of self-esteem.

I believe in my Mormon faith, and I endeavor to live by it. My faith is the faith of my fathers - I will be true to them and to my beliefs.

I could have possibly beaten Senator McCain in the primary. Then I could have been the candidate who lost to Barack Obama.