I left the Navy as a lieutenant after spending almost 10 years as a helicopter pilot.

I have spent my life fighting for our country and our values. When those values are jeopardized, when our democracy is threatened, I believe it is our responsibility to speak out and demand accountability.

It's incredibly important that I decided to serve my country before deciding to run for office.

Long-standing bipartisan support for Israel in Congress is grounded in our common values and shared security interests.

If you're born a woman, you have a pre-existing condition.

I know John Lewis was a man of deep faith and I pray that his spirit will always guide us as we continue the work of systemic change. He charted a path for us. May we all commit to walk in his footsteps.

From Picatinny Arsenal to our great universities, New Jersey is leading the way to ensure our nation is secure and our service members are protected with the best possible equipment.

At the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey, I worked as an Outreach and Re-entry Coordinator and an Assistant U.S. Attorney. I have seen the best of our law enforcement community and the commitment that they have made to the public's safety. But I've also seen too many examples of where our system falls desperately short.

The people of New Jersey sent me to Congress because they are tired of partisan gridlock. They want to see our Congress get to work on legislation that will make people's lives better.

Caring for our nation's veterans and investing in Picatinny are some of my top priorities in Congress.

As a former officer in the U.S. Navy, I understand the importance of a strong national defense and our enduring obligations to all the women and men who serve in uniform to secure our freedom.

Letting the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund close is not an option.

The Great American Outdoors Act is landmark conservation legislation to protect our public lands, including right here in New Jersey.

The security and integrity of our election system remains paramount.

State and local governments in New Jersey are a critical line of defense in the effort to respond to COVID-19.

Designating June 12th as Women Veterans Appreciation Day will help bring attention to the unique needs of women veterans in the United States and to recognize their contributions to our country.

I grew up up and down the East Coast mostly. I went to high school in Reston, Virginia.

We must stand up to anti-Semitism at home and abroad.

Picatinny Arsenal is essential to the safety of our women and men in the field and to delivering a qualitative edge for our military.

Here in North Jersey, our Muslim community is essential to our social fabric.

As a former federal prosecutor with experience prosecuting both violent and white-collar criminals, I've seen what it looks like when the powerful prey on the vulnerable.

New Jerseyans and their loved ones who live with a pre-existing condition should not have to worry whether or not their health insurance plan will cover them.

There are serious and legitimate concerns about academic espionage at our universities.

I have pledged to work hard to get the state and local tax deduction cap lifted.