The burden of student loan debt weighs heavily on both students and families across New Jersey.

I served as a Russian policy officer in the U.S. Navy and worked to implement our nuclear agreements with the Russian Federation.

Families in the autism community have shared with me their fears as their children transition to adulthood. Many people lose access to crucial services and face tremendous uncertainty if their parents can no longer care for them.

The toll of COVID-19 on the state of New Jersey cannot be understated.

When sick, the ability to afford a prescription - or whether your plan offers the coverage you need - should be the last thing on your mind.

I ran on forming broad coalitions with people throughout the caucus and across the aisle, and so that involves the Blue Dogs, people who are talking about tax reform.

We have an obligation to ensure our service members are protected, our national defense is resilient, and our forces are well-equipped.

We need to work together to strengthen protections for pre-existing conditions and improve upon the gains made under the ACA, not tear it down.

The broken VA disability claims process has failed to adequately aid veterans with toxic exposure during their military service.

Imposing a $10,000 cap on SALT deductions has nothing to do with thoughtful tax policy. It's simply an attack on New Jersey residents, businesses, and homeowners, and unfairly limits married couples to the same $10,000 cap as individuals.

Navigating the healthcare system for children with special health needs can be daunting for families.

John Lewis inspired countless Americans across generations with a life dedicated to service and getting into 'good trouble.' He had a vision for a better America, shouldered the weight of change, and put his own safety on the line so that others could live with dignity and grace.

Our leaders must hold themselves to a higher standard and ensure their words and actions do not promote hate or hurtful anti-Semitic stereotypes.

Nothing affects people's lives who go in and out of New York more than their commute. It is unavoidable, and it must be done every day.

Federal research is vital to the innovation that drives our local economy and global competitiveness.

New Jerseyans knew that the SALT deduction cap would hurt.

My grandfather served as a pilot with the Army Air Corps, and he was shot down over Normandy in August 1944.

Iron Dome is a proven defense system that will provide increased protection for our troops in the field.

The Hudson River Tunnel is a chokepoint for the financial center - and most productive region - of the United States. It is the most heavily trafficked piece of rail in the entire country and even a partial closure will suffocate our nation's economy.

Harmful Algal Blooms are a serious environmental and economic threat to New Jersey.

The Peckman River Basin has frequently flooded, and for more than a generation, the towns of Little Falls and Woodland Park have faced these challenges largely on their own.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a pioneer and a role model for women across America. She is the reason women like me not only believed we had a right to be in the workplace, but were guaranteed it. She won us equality, and then showed us how to succeed.

Decision by decision, Justice Ginsburg reaffirmed the ideals of our Constitution and our shared values of fairness, equality, and opportunity. Her judicial opinions on voting rights, gender discrimination, and same-sex marriage made this country stronger and will continue to ring out through the ages.

Families in my community have seen their taxes go up because of the SALT deduction cap and as a result are questioning whether or not they can afford to live in New Jersey. The loss of the full SALT deduction puts an undue hardship on them.