Intent to harm America is not required to make the mishandling of information criminal - it simply requires that the actor was grossly negligent.

Secretary Clinton was warned repeatedly about her duty to secure classified information and that her unsecure server did not meet that standard.

The Medical Society of Sedgwick County, the Kansas Hospital Association and doctors have really done some remarkable work on wellness-related issues.

As a member of Congress, I am part of a large group of elected officials who remain clear-eyed about the threat emanating from Tehran.

Unfortunately, instead of standing up to Iran, the Obama administration is giving in to the Iranians' bizarre tantrums and illogical arguments.

It would not be permissible for you to build a home and not let law enforcement in if they had a search warrant. If they think there's a crime ongoing, they go to court and get a warrant, and they're permitted to come in your home under the Fourth Amendment.

I am a deeply committed conservative who wants to keep maximal privacy for every U.S. citizen.

Liberty Through Strength II is simply aimed at retaining data that was already available. It has already been collected lawfully.

The Islamic State has apparently gained control of several dozen kilograms of radioactive material from research institutions in Mosul, Iraq. It cannot be made into a nuclear bomb, but it could be used in a 'dirty bomb' to contaminate a wide area with radioactivity.

It's much too easy to come here illegally and very, very difficult to become an immigrant through lawful process. I think we need to reverse those.

We stand for getting government out of the way, letting people make good decisions for themselves, in education, returning power to school boards and to teachers and to parents so they can educate the children.

I know how to stay focused on a mission.

If you choose to put political expediency and politics ahead of the men and women on the ground, for that, you'll have to answer to yourself. I find it morally reprehensible.

If you need a tax credit to compete, you are probably not that competitive.

President Barack Obama talks about the need to 'invest' in alternative energy sources. But the reality is that he is not investing his money - he's spending yours.

Even if Koch Industries had a financial interest in the Keystone XL pipeline, what possibly could be wrong with that? Perhaps more important, under what circumstances would such an interest be worthy of a congressional inquisition?

The Democrats' obsession with the Kochs as a political target is, indeed, additional evidence of a truly Nixonian approach to politics.

I have traveled to GTMO and have seen the honorable and professional behavior of the American men and women in uniform who serve at the detention facility.

One of the things you don't always realize when you're younger is that not everything you try is going to work.

Protectionist politicians cannot stand the notion of a fossil-fuel-rich America maintaining record levels of production through exports.

Every Muslim leader must unequivocally proclaim that terror committed in the name of Islam violates the core tenets of the Prophet Mohammed, and they must do so repeatedly. Period.

It should surprise no one that I'm out arguing for small government, reduced spending and getting our financial house in order, along with reasonable regulations and no more.

Created specifically to house the world's most dangerous terrorists, the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay is designed to keep both American personnel and the detainees safe and secure.

The federal government has been a proven failure in picking winners and losers in the energy sector.