I do not want to put U.S. companies in a position where their competitors are behaving in a way that is inconsistent with the way they are required to behave. That is neither fair, nor will it solve the problem.

To reap the benefits of GMO technology, the U.S. must ensure that decisions about our food system are made based on science, not innuendo.

I am working hard to provide solutions to meet a most pressing goal: preserving our way of life for our kids and grandkids.

As a result of the billions of dollars flowing into Iran after the JCPOA, the Iranian regime is able to increase its support to terrorist group groups like Hezbollah.

I still remember the first acronym I learned, BLUF: Bottom Line Up Front. I still try to communicate that way. No reason to dance around getting to the point.

Every single day, agents of certain foreign governments are relentlessly and methodically trying to hack into our corporations' computer networks and steal blueprints for next-generation equipment and products from some of America's largest exporters.

Old ideas of not trading because 'they won't open their markets to us' miss the entire point of allowing goods to be imported into the United States - because we want and need them and because someone here believes that the good or service received in exchange for our dollars creates value for them.

GMOs play a central role in meeting the challenge of providing affordable and nutritious food to consumers all over the world.

Paul Ryan is a solid conservative.

As a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, I know that the CIA, Treasury Department, National Security Agency, and others work closely to keep tabs on the IRGC's operations.

You eventually have to figure out how to balance the books. So that's the reason I gave up my day job to come do this was to go fight to create the space where spending matches America's capacity to tax, and that means economic growth and a smaller, humbler federal government.

We must not allow last year's mistakes to cloud our judgment today.

Don't allow politically connected folks to get their particular tax breaks.

In Wichita, the district I represent, the 'Air Capital of the World,' general aviation is critical to the proper functioning of our airspace and is a key driver of economic growth, innovation, and job creation.

Private monopolies run by special interests should not get to raise taxes and set regulatory policy for the United States.

I think Secretary Clinton tried to hide every one of her emails. She destroyed 30,000 of them.

Koch Industries is an amazing business that has succeeded by building a product that customers love dearly. The folks who run Koch are very clear. They would love to have government just get out of the way and allow companies to compete, whether in their particular sectors or other sectors. They are true believers in small government.

Whether Congress decides to block GMO labeling is about more than the right to know what we're buying and eating. It's also about consumer confusion.

Conservatives have deep distrust of government power, so I not only understand their privacy concerns, I share them.

The sooner we act, the sooner we can start turning the tables on cyberattackers.

GTMO has been a goldmine of intelligence about radical Islamic terrorism.

CISPA permits, but does not require, entities that have been attacked to voluntarily share their knowledge of a cyber threat with each other and with government.

We now see hacking taking place by foreign governments and by private individuals all around the world.

As the urgency of the threat presented by Islamic extremism grows, we cannot afford to have the commander-in-chief issue executive orders in direct contravention of laws that he enacted.