Cultivating a thoughtful citizenry is a project for educators, parents, and religious and community leaders as much as tech leaders.

Although the most advanced software innovation may take place in big cities with research universities, there is a lot of work concerning the application of software to business processes and the administration and maintenance of software systems that can be done remotely.

We have to define American patriotism as future-oriented.

My view is that we shouldn't be supplying the Saudis with arms while they're bombing civilians in Yemen and, by the way, while they're arming al-Qaida and it's fighting our own counterterrorist operations in Yemen.

I don't believe we would've had nearly as diverse a Congress if it weren't for social media. I don't think that there would be the same appreciation or empathy for human rights across the world if it weren't for social media.

We need a basic protection for people having access to their data and knowing where their data is.

America has been a force for much good in the world. But we should learn from the mistakes of an over-expansionist foreign policy and return to the restraint that George Washington and John Quincy Adams advocated.

I will oppose a Muslim registry with every fiber of my being. That is not the American way of conducting affairs and violates every principle we stand for.

Technology is amoral, but it requires humanistic values to steer it in a way that's empowering, and not detrimental to social progress. It's up to us to maximize the good and minimize the bad.

This idea you're going to take a 50-year-old coal miner and turn them into a software engineer is ridiculous.

I mean, I don't think the Facebook merger with WhatsApp and Instagram should have been approved. But I'm not for reflexively breaking up tech companies.

Expanding the EITC can get us close to a universal basic minimum income.

All Americans must have access to the Internet in today's digital world, and the market needs competition to drive affordable prices.

We should treat other countries the way we want to be treated.

I think that when you look at our founding principles, it was based on America as a nation committed to universal human rights and a nation that was weary of foreign entanglements and foreign alliances that did not keep us safe or promote our interests.

My grandfather, or Nana Ji, as we called him, was a family legend. Amarnath Vidyalankar spent his life fighting for India's independence, which included spending four years in prison in Mahatma Gandhi's movement. I still remember the conversations we had together, many of them while playing chess.

I don't think anyone would object to Facebook selling ads or having ads directed at me, as long as people didn't think those ads were manipulated by personal data.

Of course, America's free-enterprise system is what enables our manufacturers to be the most innovative.

Silicon Valley needs partners. You can't do edited manufacturing just in the Valley. Why not have the DNA of manufacturing but combine it with the digital world?

We must make it clear that we won't interfere in other countries' elections and work to make that the clear international norm.

Silicon Valley is actually a prime target for an ICBM missile strike. It occurred to me as I has touring Apple Park that if I was concerned about Americans' safety and the symbol of America's future I would think that those is Silicon Valley as the most vulnerable. That's where you would be attacking the future economy.

I want to help bring tech jobs to middle America and help us create more innovation clusters.

What makes the Amazon-Whole Foods deal so problematic is that they are going into an industry with large infrastructure, brick-and-mortar cost, and seeking to build consolidation where we already suffer from consolidation. It's not like Walmarts and Targets have been good for wages or local grocery stores or niche producers.

Peter Thiel and I disagree on 99 percent of things.