If career politicians had the solutions, we wouldn't be in the mess that we are.

The most important thing is to tell people to go out and vote.

I am grateful for the lessons I learned from my parents' sacrifices. They often had trouble making ends meet, so we moved for them to find work. I remember my mom would sometimes take on second jobs, like ironing, just so we could buy groceries.

You cannot go out and say, oh, I am going to raise all this spending, but it's not going to cost anybody any money.

Taxpayers need a businessman who knows how to create jobs, cut costs and balance budgets.

In my case, I think people are surprised that I'm doing exactly what I said I was going to do when I ran, because that's not the typical politician.

I started school in public housing. My dad had a sixth-grade education.

It is up to all of us - the state, Florida's local communities, and the federal government - to work together on long-term solutions to improve the quality of our water.

You have got to make sure there's due process for somebody that's accused of a crime. You've got make sure they're safe.

My goal, one-hundred percent, is to get individuals and companies to move to Florida.

My job is to get people back to work and make tough decisions. I've been willing to do it.

Quality health care services must be accessible and affordable for all - not just those in certain ZIP codes or tax brackets.

With over 20 million residents and 100 million tourists, we must stay ahead of the possible spread of the Zika virus and take immediate action to ensure Florida is prepared.

Students who have spent their childhood here in Florida deserve to qualify for the same in-state tuition rate at universities their peers and classmates do.

Reviewing a government budget is much like going through the attic in an old home.

Health-care costs when I got into the industry in '88 were 16 percent a year inflation. When I got out in 1997, they were less than 1 percent.

We know Zika's not going to go on vacation.

I'm going to work with the Senate and the House to make sure we have a bill that lowers tuition for all Floridians.

My position on immigration has been clear for a long time. I believe the federal government ought to do their job. You know, secure our borders. Come up with an immigration policy that Americans understand and people who want to come to this country understand.

I'm very proud that 40 sheriffs have endorsed me.

We want Florida to be first for jobs, and we must have a skilled workforce to reach that goal. By investing in science, technology, engineering and math education, we are ensuring our students are prepared for the jobs of the future. Our teachers are essential to preparing our students.

I have made it my practice to not get involved in primaries because picking the Republican candidate is the voters' job.

When businesses think of locating in North America, I want to make sure that they think first about Florida.

No mother, or father, should despair over whether or not they can afford - or access - the health care their child needs.