America's greatness is largely because of how we value the weakest among us.

While the federal government is committed to paying 100% of the cost of new people in Medicaid, I cannot, in good conscience, deny the uninsured access to care.

My job is to enforce the laws of Florida.

I grew up in a family struggling for work.

Let's have a conversation about how we destroy ISIS.

Let's remember, the Second Amendment has been around for over 200 years.

I want everybody in Florida to live the American dream.

I had a mother that told me what to do all my life, and I traded that in for a wife. We got married two years out of high school which is not what you tell your kids to do, right?

I support Donald Trump because I believe he's a businessperson that's going to get the economy going, but also he's going to focus on how we destroy ISIS.

I don't think it's good in any business for anyone to have a monopoly. On the other hand, you need to have size to get costs down.

Floridians are a strong, resilient people. We are fortunate to live in a great state where all Floridians enjoy opportunities to get a great job and a world-class education.

Allowing casinos to operate without having races could result in the end of dog racing in Florida as we know it. Right now, greyhound racing is in many cases a money-losing proposition, but the dog tracks are forced to continue it because they have to have races in order to operate the lucrative casinos.

I believe - I clearly believe that government-run health care will be bad for you as a patient. It will be bad for you as a taxpayer.

If you look at Governor Romney's family, he's been very successful. He's built a great family, very committed to his wife.

Foreign policy is important.

I stood up for what I believed in starting businesses.

Higher taxes kill jobs. Regulations kill jobs.

In Florida, we're the best melting pot in the world. We love everybody coming to our state.

Donald Trump is a friend.

I was in the Navy as an enlisted man, started my first business when I was 21.

I'm supposed to enforce the laws of the land.

I think stimulus money is an absolute mistake.

Stimulus does not work.

Obstacles to job creation in America are a result of policy, not of motivation.