Democrats justify anything they do against Trump as being righteous, even if it's morally wrong or even if it's illegal, because they're so driven to stop Trump.

History will judge harshly my Republican colleagues who deny the science of climate change. Similarly, those Democrats who would use climate change as a basis to regulate out of existence the American experience will face the harsh reality that their ideas will fail.

I don't know why anyone would want businesses and families and individuals nationwide to suffer. But by voting against tax reform, Democrats showed that was exactly what they stand for: less money for families and more money into Washington, D.C.

I would suggest that a Green Real Deal is something to be far more excited about than the Green New Deal because the Green New Deal will never happen.

I strongly support the rights of transgender individuals. I will not denigrate or deny their struggles.

I believe that the Left is trying to create a crisis on the border.

President Trump says his highest priority is America and the American people. The fact that this idea has been met with shock is itself shocking; if America's success is not the president's goal, what is? Is it looking good in photo-ops, while debt grows, jobs dwindle, bureaucracy reigns supreme, and the American people suffer?

Holding Congressional hearings is the purview of the majority, and during the first years of the Obama administration, Democrats could not be bothered.

I wish climate change wasn't real.

I don't even think the biggest divide is between Republicans and Democrats. I think it's between institutionalists and reformers.

If we cared about safer streets, we'd build the wall and secure the border.

While the Washington swamp, which loves shipping American jobs offshore to make a buck or Euro, is already rising up against the proposed legislation, the USRTA is just plain common sense.

The most valuable real estate in the world lies between the president's ears.

If players want to protest, let them do it on their own time and on their own dime.

A melting Arctic creates a more permissive environment for Russia and China to seize territory.

I'm a Christian, and I believe the Immaculate Conception was how Jesus was born.

Kneeling for the anthem does nothing to advance solutions to racial injustice, police brutality, or any other social plight. It is a slap in the face to patriotism itself. It is a statement that America as a country is no longer worth standing for.

Putting aside competitive interests for a new kind of collaboration, Maryland pioneered a real-time encounter notification service to alert primary care doctors when their patients are hospitalized.

In 2013, Maryland had the second highest job creation rate of any state in the Mid Atlantic region - faster than both Pennsylvania and Virginia.

Extreme poverty is extremely dangerous.

Progress is a choice.

All of us, wherever we happen to stand on the marriage equality issue, can agree that all our children deserve the opportunity to live in a loving, caring, committed, and stable home, protected equally under the law.

I go to the gym pretty regularly.

If there is a thread that unites all of our work, whether it's in Iowa or whether it's in Maryland or whether it's among our young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan, I believe that it's the thread of human dignity.