At best, a 100-day measurement of a new presidency is a meaningless abstraction. At worst, it's an invite to cheap politicking at the expense of the common good.

Upon further reflection, I think that the things Alex Jones has said and done are so hurtful to so many people that a member of Congress should not grace that platform and legitimize it, and I would not go back.

I'm on the pro-science side of the Republican Party.

I did one cable news hit during my first 10 months in Congress.

In a world where the body politic has the attention span at times of a goldfish, yep, you've got to have the ability to reinvent yourself in this game many times.

Agricultural products ranging from citrus and dairy to beef and chicken face stifling tariffs or nontariff barriers in many countries around the world.

The Green Real Deal rejects regulation as the driving force of reform and instead unlocks the unlimited potential of American innovation and ingenuity.

If you think I have the power to determine when people leave their spouses, you attribute far too much credit to me.

While we glorify football players for their accomplishments on the field, they are not heroes.

Tax Day is right up there with 'Root Canal Day' in terms of days that no one wants to celebrate.

To sustain the Trump Revolution, we must empower Trump's champions to drive positive change across America. And we must defeat 'Never Trump' elements wherever we find them.

There's not an American that would want to be investigated by someone they passed over for their old job back within the last 24 hours.

My work on the Judiciary Committee has made me more aware of the InfoWars content than when I appeared previously in a very standard and respectful interview.

Choosing to disrespect our flag is an over-generalized indictment of the greatest nation on Earth.

President Trump is draining the D.C. swamp by fighting against corporate welfare.

We need the speaker to be an institutionalist for the Congress, not to be a defender of the deep state.

Ask anybody on Main Street whether it makes any sense to allow foreign countries to charge higher tariffs than we charge them, and the answer will surely be a resounding 'heck no!'

Democrats want to peer into every second of President Trump's life, hoping to find a smoking gun.

I have to say, I have never watched 'Infowars.' I know that they say zany things that are patently untrue. But I also think that MSNBC says zany things that are patently untrue.

The Russians win when we allow our intelligence community to be politicized, when we allow political opposition research to function as a basis for a warrant to spy on American citizens.

If Democrats insist on looking for skeletons in the closet, they should take a long look at themselves. They've hidden more than their fair share.

I will be damned if the people in South Florida are going to dilute the legal votes of my constituents, who have a right to an honest, fair, representative republic.

When Donald Trump calls you, it's like you have a little Trump rally in your ear.

President Trump's coalition clearly involves creating massive turnout in areas where he's popular.