Enough of Sicily being the refugee camp of Europe. I will not stand by and do nothing while there are landings after landings of migrants.

Like Trump, I would say that fake news is distributed 24 hours a day.

Roberto Saviano is the last of my problems.

Everyone who votes for us will know that a Northern League government would get rid of the euro and move back to a national currency.

I don't do my job as minister based on polls.

Unfortunately, a certain type of Islam ghettoizes itself and is incompatible with our society. And it amazes me that some within the Catholic hierarchy act as if they do not understand.

We are in Europe, and we want a Europe that does few things and does them well, one that recognizes people's identities, languages, etc.

We want to give a voice to all the good people of the South.

Europe advises, sometimes threatens, and tells us, 'You should make a budget of 10 billion euros in taxes.' Are they joking? The last thing that Italy needs is taxes.

Only Europeans can decide what is best for Europe.

Italy no longer wants to be a servant to silly rules.

History goes in cycles.

The biggest problem in Italy is work. And out-of-control immigration damages the labor market because Italians can't compete with illegal workers who are being exploited. So to restore dignity to work, we must control immigration.

Let's take back our currency; then we can discuss at what conditions we can stay in the E.U.

The laws imposed by Brussels damage Italian artisans, traders, pensioners, but hey, Europe is asking, so we have to obey. Come on, if Europe asks me to throw myself in a well, I'm not going to do that just because Europe is asking me to, am I?

No one will ever manage to convince me that the Fornero law is right and should not be changed.

We don't need a strongman. But we need a strong country that is not subordinate to Europe.

Unfortunately, you need to keep Italian Roma in Italy.

We are under attack. Our culture, society, traditions, and way of life are at risk.

With nice words, we never obtained anything.

Leave the euro? Surely yes.

You can't die from going to the stadium to see a soccer match.

We need to increase deportations.

I want to highlight that Italy, every year, sends 6 billion euros in cash to Brussels. I cannot give these 6 billion euros to Brussels and then let them damage us on the fronts of agriculture, migration, fishing, commerce and finance. Why am I giving 6 billion to receive nothing in return?