Italians first!

I would like free movement within the E.U. as a result of us protecting external borders.

Italians think with their heads.

If anyone in the E.U. thinks Italy should keep being a landing point and refugee camp, they have misunderstood.

At school, everything was left v. right, communists and fascists; what interested me was the discussion of identity, autonomy, federalism, and community.

The catechism says rich nations should welcome strangers within the limits of the possible. In Italy, we have reached the limits of the possible.

Who would have thought we would be part of a winning coalition in Molise and Sicily? That we would win in places like Siena, Viterbo, Pisa, and Terni?

Maybe in Luxembourg there's a need for new immigration, but in Italy, there's a need to help people have children.

We need deportation centres.

We will go to Europe to change the rules that have impoverished Italians.

I will seek to change some of the European treaties and regulations which penalise Italian people.

The final objective is not to distribute the migrants among various European countries but to prevent them from entering Europe and from departing from Africa. We need to intervene in Africa. We need to have a Marshall Plan for Africa to improve living conditions in the countries of origin.

Changing Europe is a big goal. But I think it is at our fingertips.

Centuries of history risk disappearing if Islamization, which up until now has been underestimated, gains the upper hand.

We need to put Italian interests before those of the European Union, or at least at the same level.

We apply the catechism by opening Italy's doors to women and children who come here legally on aeroplanes, but no more men on rubber dinghies. We will help them grow up and work in their own countries. Let's spend in Africa the money that needs to be spent.

In Italy, there's the need to help our kids have kids, not to have new slaves to replace the children we're not having.

We need to adopt a new currency. It doesn't matter what or how we call it - lira, sterling, Roman sesterce.

Once the monetary sovereignty is retaken, one can make a last attempt to renegotiate all of the treaties: Maastricht, Schengen, Dublin, and Lisbon.

It is evident that the fanatical interpretation of the Koran is incompatible with our values of freedom and with Christian values.

Why on earth would free people remain prisoners in a cage of absurd laws and regulation, with rigid constraints that humiliate the true needs of the people and their country?

My pope is Benedict.

We will work to modify and remove some European parameters, but regarding the euro, I remain convinced that the single currency is destined to end: not because I want it but because the facts, common sense, and the real economy dictate it.

We can't turn Italy into a refugee camp.