It is clear that I have to change the European dynamics to create a better place for Italians, French, Austrians, and Spaniards.

I believe that a limited quantity of immigrants, possibly through an Australian-style program on the basis of work qualifications, can be let in.

In my opinion, Islam is an outdated religion. It's not modern. And therefore, there's too much space for violence.

On principle, I always support the opinion of a population who express themselves through a referendum.

French arrogance is no longer in fashion in Italy.

Long live sausage! Long live salami! Long live pork, coppa, and pancetta!

'Populism' is a compliment to me. We envision a different Europe where every E.U. country should have the freedom to decide its own economic policies.

I am and I will remain a populist, because those who listen to the people are doing their job, whereas the radical chic who disgust workers are no longer wanted by the people.

There's water on Mars, and there's life beyond Brussels.

The euro is... a failed currency, a wrong currency, a failed experiment.

I will do everything I can to renew a new Rome-Berlin axis.

The problem with Islam is that it's a law, not a religion, and it's incompatible with our values, our rights, and our freedoms.

The problem of the Muslim presence is increasingly worrying. There are more and more clashes, more and more demands. And I doubt the compatibility of Italian law with Muslim law, because it's not just a religion but a law.

I'm sick of seeing the immigrants in the hotels and the Italians who sleep in cars. This is the racist country.

I'm increasingly convinced that there is an ongoing attempt of ethnic replacement of one people with another people. This is not emergency migration but organised migration that aims at replacing the Italian people with other people, Italian workers with other workers.

It's a huge deal when you have got people of the Department of Justice and FBI making fundamental misrepresentations to the FISA court.

No reasonable American believes that someone can investigate their own boss.

I do believe that it's very frequent that officials from foreign governments will meet with members of Congress. They will meet with folks associated with campaigns. That's not aberrational here in Washington.

I have litigated in my private life, and I will say there are many reasons why a judge could be recused from a case that have nothing to do with their prior decisions or rulings on facts which may be relevant.

I believe that individuals in our country should not face discrimination for their sex or their gender or their sexual orientation.

If President Trump were to say, 'I'm am now the first female president,' who would celebrate that?

I'm very concerned about the integrity of the vote and the ballot, and that's why we've got to secure our cyberdefenses.

I never underestimate the power of the American people.

Russia engages in a malign influence campaign all over the world. I would expect that they would try to undermine democracy here just that they - as they have in other places.