I don't want to leave euro or leave the European Union.

I don't have to justify myself every time I go to Israel.

I want to change Italy and get the economy back on track.

Renzi is a pawn. Renzi is a dumb slave at the disposal of nameless people who want to control all of our lives from Brussels.

We do not accept lessons on rights or humanity from Mr. Macron.

Racist means thinking more highly of another, being superior to another. I don't feel better or superior - white, black, yellow, all the same.

With Islam, there's the Sharia. There's the Islamic law which prevails, and as long as it doesn't distinguish between God and the state, it's a problem.

Islamic extremism is the prime enemy of civil society and social peace, both in Italy and in Israel.

Anti-Semites are imbeciles and delinquents.

Israel is one of the greatest and most modern democracies on the planet.

The national interest is the priority. If not, what's the point in continuing to give money to the E.U.?

We need to review treaties to make them reflect our national interest.

If saying 'Italians first' is xenophobic, then I don't know what to say.

I'm against illegal migrants. Too many of them are dangerous for Italy and Europe.

On immigration, the League and Five Star's positions start from notable distances.

The economic sanctions against Russia are madness, directed against a neighboring and friendly market.

I want to work for peace, not for war.

We need to defend the fruits of our land.

I believe in the Italy of municipalities, of the Renaissance, not in Mussolini's centralization.

We are for pension reform, jobs, the flat tax, and justice reforms.

Macron talks about values, but he doesn't recognize the values itself, and therefore, they have no lessons to give to Italy.

People want identity, security, and jobs.

Listening to the people, being a minister that goes to the cities, to the squares, to the stations, to the hospitals, for me is a duty and a pleasure.

Exporting this Western model of democracy in countries that don't want it or are not ready creates disasters.