I will be Madame Frexit if the European Union doesn't give us back our monetary, legislative, territorial, and budget sovereignty.

France, land of human rights and freedoms, was attacked on its own soil by a totalitarian ideology: Islamic fundamentalism. It is only by refusing to be in denial, by looking the enemy in the eye, that one can avoid conflating issues.

My first act as president will be to reinstate France's borders.

When the people want to retake their destiny in hand, they can do it, despite this ceaseless campaign of denigration and infantilization.

It's true that I have a strong social sensibility, because - bah, because I raised thre children on my own, and I know the difficulties that can represent. All of that makes it appear that there's a difference between Jean-Marie Le Pen's program and mine. But the big ideas are the same.

I fear that the migratory crisis signals the beginning of the end of women's rights.

Honestly, the dangerous situation in which Jews in France live is such that those who walk with a kippa are in any case a minority, because they are afraid.

The struggle against radical Islam should be a joint struggle, and everyone should say, 'There - we are sacrificing something.'

I do not have the slightest bit of confidence in the European Union to protect the borders of the European Union.

I have never tried to bear a judgment against my own father because I consider that, in our European culture, one does not judge his parents. Now, I have expressed my disagreements with my father on certain points, disagreements related to the way one should express things, something that has also to do with a difference of generations.

We are not going to welcome any more people. Stop - we are full up!

We have seen a major decomposition of French political life, of the old political mainstream parties, and what we see now is a real new configuration which is emerging between the patriots and the new liberals.

The PQ is diverse and vast. It's not monolithic.

I do not have the slightest bit of racism in me. I do not judge people with regards to the colour of their skin, their origin, or their religion. I defend them all, because I defend French people. And, of course, I defend the interests of France, the interests of French people.

The Catholic religion doesn't have conspicuous symbols.

Russia is a European country, and so we'd better, if we want a powerful Europe, negotiate with Russia.

I would never betray the people.

The influx of migrants must be stopped.

Mosques where sharia law prevails - they exist in France. Refusing to see that means that we do equate Islam with Islamic fundamentalism. We have to denounce and eradicate it.

Islamist terrorism is a cancer on Islam, and Muslims themselves must fight it at our side.

Hillary Clinton means devastation. It means world instability.

Brexit wasn't the European people's first cry of revolt. In 2005, France and the Netherlands held referendums about the proposed European Union constitution. In both countries, opposition was massive, and other governments decided on the spot to halt the experiment for fear the contagion might spread.

They have acted like carnivores who used the world to enrich only themselves, and whether it's the election of Donald Trump, or Brexit, the elites have realized that the people have stopped listening to them, that the people want to determine their futures and, in a perfectly democratic framework, regain control of their destiny.

It is in the interest of France that the United States and Russia speak to each other and act in good faith against the scourge of terrorism in Syria, and contribute with our country to stabilizing a region where uncontrolled migrant flows begin today.