There are some who believe that secularism and Islam are not compatible. But Muslims should show everyone that this is not the case. It's up to them to show that you can be French and Muslim and still respect secular rules.

My father was kicked out of the National Front. He does whatever he wants. It doesn't concern me anymore... I don't talk to him, and I'm not responsible for him or his inadmissible remarks.

It is as a free French woman who has been able to enjoy, her whole life, the very precious freedoms fought for long and hard by our mothers and grandmothers, that I want to warn about a new form of social, human, and moral regression imposed on us by the migrant crisis.

We're going to reserve our efforts and our national solidarity for the most humble, the most modest, and the most poor among us.

Jeanne d'Arc was frowned upon for her masculine attire.

There is, toward the Front, a suspicion of anti-Semitism, and it is totally at odds with the real danger due to mass immigration and the rise of Islamism.

Was the Soviet Union reformable? I would say no. They said, 'Okay, the Soviet Union isn't working.' They would say, 'No, it's great. We just need democracy, political pluralism, private property.' And then there was no Soviet Union. The European Union is the same.

We cannot let ourselves be infantalized. We cannot let ourselves be stereotyped.

The political groups who have taken the responsibility to elect Mr. Macron have been discredited.

I am opposed to those who have an ideological vision of immigration, and I think that, given the situation in France, it must stop.

I'm a democrat. I will fight until the end to defend democracy and the will of the people.

What I cannot stand in the behaviour of the E.U. with regard to Great Britain is blackmail, constant threat.

I see no reason why France and Britain should not have excellent relations - we are old allies.

I do not stop repeating it to French Jews... Not only is the National Front not your enemy, but it is without a doubt the best shield to protect you. It stands at your side for the defense of our freedoms of thought and of religion against the only real enemy: Islamist fundamentalism.

France no longer has any borders because of the E.U.

Past leaders chose deregulated globalization. They said it would be happy; it turned out to be atrocious.

If there's one thing that chafes French pride, it's seeing the British steal the limelight.

The United Kingdom has committed the heresy of breaking the chains of the E.U. This is a signal victory for democracy. It is a slap in the face to the European system which was increasingly based on fear, blackmail, and lies.

It's a choice of civilization. I will be the president of those French who want to continue living in France as the French do.

Loving the country, wanting to preserve the culture and identity - protecting the interests of the Americans in America, of the French in France, of the Israelis in Israel - seems to me perfectly legitimate.

Russia is an important power upon which the U.S.A. imposed a Cold War.

I am well placed to know that Le Pen is not an anti-Semite. If one considers his life seriously... a man who went to fight with the Israelis in '56! Many times, he tried to better the party's relationship with the Jewish community, even though I do not like the term.

When people live on our territory and are not criminals, they do not dispute our laws or our ways of living, our customs, our values. I see no reason why we should not continue to welcome them in the French style.

Money is one of the elements of sovereignty.