Our countries have been friends dating to the very existence of the United States. France is the only power that has never been at war with the United States.

Donald Trump presented for the French an infinitely less dangerous program than that of Hillary Clinton.

Elected president of the Republic, I would immediately, and with no hesitation, carry out the battle plan against Islamist terrorism and against judicial laxity.

I absolutely disagree that it was an illegal annexation: a referendum was held, and residents of Crimea chose to rejoin Russia.

What would people say if I had only asked to ban Muslim clothing? They would burn me as a Muslim hater.

Jewish skullcaps are obviously not a problem in our country.

When the National Front was created, its main goal was against communism.

There's a number of journalists and politicians who are interested in the rise of the National Front and the huge nationalist gathering, the movements that refuse the E.U. and want to go back to a Europe of nations, free and sovereign countries. I'm here to re-educate.

France is a very attractive place: the health care system, for example.

The Republic is one and can't be divided: That's the Constitution! It means the Republic can't ground its action on local community criteria. Can't accept it.

I recognize only one community: the national one.

Either one is French and can vote, or one is not French and cannot vote.

Racism must be fought - there are no two ways about it.

I'm against the Right of money and the Left of money.

The United States cannot have the image of warmongers, with all the potential consequences it could have for our respective countries.

From my own country of France, I commit to pursuing the path of liberty - to be a free people.

Look at how beautiful history is when liberty succeeds through the will of the people!

I am the candidate who defends the superiority of politics over the administration, the bureaucracy, the economy, and so I think it is politics which must decide.

When something favors France, I say so. When it doesn't, I say so, too.

I am coherent; I don't change my mind in a few days.

The euro is a potent tool used by Germany to engage in permanent monetary dumping.

I don't say every country has to leave the euro... But we have to leave the possibility if a country wants to leave.

The euro is not a currency. It is a political weapon to force countries to implement the policies decided by the E.U. and keep them on a leash.

Without any action, this migratory influx will be like the barbarian invasion of the 4th century, and the consequences will be the same. We must immediately stop this madness to safeguard our social pact, freedom, and identity.