If there is one thing French Muslims want, it is to be rid of the daily pressures imposed on them by Islamic fundamentalists.

I cannot stand it when the French are asked in all circumstances to make sacrifices before the state cuts back on its own wasteful expenditures.

The French want less Europe and more France.

If I can recover the sovereignty, I think Europe will change completely. It will change radically. And if I cannot the sovereignty back, then I will ask the French people to leave the E.U.

Anything but Hillary Clinton. Because I think Hillary Clinton means war.

For France, anything is better than Hillary Clinton.

We had been told that it was not possible to leave the E.U., and the U.K. has just demonstrated that, when the people want it, we can set up the conditions to exit the E.U.

France can certainly accommodate foreign people on its soil long-term, those with foreign citizenship... as long as they respect French laws and French values, which is often a problem on the immigration issue. It's not really a problem with Israel on this topic.

You can pass on my respects to the grand mufti, but I will not cover myself up.

I think 2017 is going to be the year of the grand return of the nation-state, the control of borders and currencies.

This is the first aspiration of countries: we are the landlords in our countries so that they remain free, and we can live in security.

I think patriotism is never racism.

France has been mired in people's minds for years. In reality, our children are taught that they have every reason to criticize her, to see only the darkest historical aspects.

A national currency, with the Euro as a common currency - that wouldn't bother me.

I'm asking the Israelis to choose their nationality. It doesn't mean that if they don't choose French nationality, they have to leave.

We will be all about the local, not the global.

Immigrants are illegal, since once they set foot on European soil, they have violated the law.

I am against the policy which would promote the entry of immigrants into Europe, which cannot accept them.

Frexit will be a part of my policy.

Brexit has really broken a taboo. The Brits have shown us that you can leave the European Union, and you can come out better.

Islamic fundamentalism is attacking us at home.

I would go to the European institutions, I would demand for the French people four sovereignties: territorial - our borders; monetary and budgetary; economic; and legislative. Either the European Union says yes to me, or they would say no, and I would say to the French, there is no only other solution but to leave the E.U.

I am sure 2017 will be the year the people of continental Europe wake up.

2016 was the year the Anglo-Saxon world woke up.