Everybody knows that from a national security standpoint we need to secure our southern border.

Keeping our children safe is not only an area where both political parties can find common ground, but as lawmakers, it is our moral obligation.

When we look at the majority of the American people, when they believe that their leadership is letting them down, there is only one option out there for us, and that's to change that leadership.

Two of the 9/11 hijackers exploited the security vulnerabilities in the United States' visa program and were able to carry out their attacks.

You know the voice of the people is a very, very powerful tool.

The U.S. is supposed to be a beacon of hope to the world - the shining city on a hill where freedom is available to all and individual liberties are protected.

Serving as Chief of Staff would be an incredible honor.

As the list of abuses by federal agencies grows, Americans are rapidly losing trust in government.

We have a moral obligation to assist those fleeing religious persecution and to no longer turn a blind eye to the plight of our Christian brothers abroad.

It's all about representing the forgotten men and women, to make sure that they have a voice and members of the Freedom Caucus take that very seriously.

The Palestinians have yet to demonstrate a commitment to the rule of law.

The IRS, now known for abusing its power by targeting groups for their political beliefs, is a prime example of an overgrown federal agency that doles out enormous bonuses to senior employees.

Modern day slavery is the great tragedy of our time and the U.S. cannot turn a blind eye to it on our soil or another nation's.

Most Americans can't begin to understand what day-to-day life is like for millions of Israeli citizens. We can't relate to hearing sirens go off - notifying us that we have 15 seconds to a minute to seek shelter from a potential rocket attack.

We need a wall or a sophisticated fence, as long as it secures our border.

I want to make sure that we have a tax code that makes sure that everyone benefits, including those in poverty and those middle-income wage earners and those that have already lived the American dream as well as making sure that everyone can receive the benefits of a robust economy and not just the select few.

Hezbollah is notorious for using charities and front organizations to hide its funding sources.

I know Judge Roy Moore to be not only be a man of character in spite of the tens of millions of dollars that are flowing into Alabama to suggest otherwise.

For years, President Obama has chastised Republicans, used immigrants as props for political purposes, and time and again deflected responsibility from his own party's failure to act on immigration reform.

Roy Moore is a man of faith.

To suggest that all members of the Republican conference represent their district in a manner that's reflective of the makeup of their district would not be accurate.

Spying on the prime minister of Israel and Congress has nothing to do with national security - only politics.

The IRS isn't the only agency using taxpayer dollars for big bonuses.

Donald Trump has made outstanding picks for his Cabinet.