Jews rule the world by proxy.

The Jews are not merely hook-nosed but understand money instinctively.

There is no such thing as absolute freedom of the press, not even in the most advanced countries in the world. There are things you just don't say, because it will destabilise the environment.

The thinning of the ozone layer is blamed on logging of tropical forests. The fact that the burning of fossil fuels and release of CFCs (chloro-fluoro-carbons) into the atmosphere occur largely in the rich countries are significantly ignored.

The little Napoleons in UMNO try to keep out people who are more intelligent than themselves.

There's no point in treating a currency like a commodity, devaluing it artificially and causing a lot of poverty among poor countries.

Independence means we enjoy freedom. We are not colonised by people. And we can govern our own country and develop it independently so that our people can live a better life.

Justice is the most important thing. In a plural society like Malaysia, you cannot have two laws - one law for the Muslim, one law for the non-Muslim.

If we keep on raking up the past, you can never work with anybody. You will always be fighting against your enemies, and that is bad.

In my years, I had the opportunity to observe peoples and countries. I see some countries doing well, others failing, and my analysis of things is that whether you fail or succeed is a function of your value system.

I believe that every leader has a right to implement his own policy. But when I see things that are done that are not right - abuse of power, wrong approaches, wrong strategies, making use of foreign consultants, including those discarded by other countries - I feel that I have to have my say.

If you want to be honest with yourself, you have to take criticism, even if you attract adverse comments from others.

I don't care much whether people remember me or not. If people remember, well and good. If they don't remember, it's alright - I'm dead anyway.

Those who speak up, those who use their connections, are more likely to succeed than those who sit and wait.

What works for a man, still does not work for a woman - both in terms of how they see themselves and how we see them.

Life experience is not something to be denied, but to be celebrated.

Poor privileged white men. Their stranglehold on power is slowly being loosened.

When a man interrupts a woman in mid-sentence, it reveals much about him. First, it shows he hasn't been listening to what she is saying, and secondly, it indicates that he doesn't want to listen to what she will say. Her views are not important.

The death of a famous person is different from the death of a loved one, whether it is Michael Jackson, Frank McCourt, or Walter Cronkite. We didn't know any of them personally, and yet, we experience a sense of loss.

The very qualities that make it harder for women to get elected - not being part of the old boy's network - gives them the advantage of having fresh, and yes, clean faces.

Why can't the world be like a summer day, when I thought that health care would be an ethical decision and wars existed only to be stopped?

Are there really good wars and bad wars? We thought so during World War II, and in retrospect, we were right. But in Vietnam, and Iraq we were wrong.

When people have lost their jobs or are afraid of losing their jobs in the future, they lash out. They want others to know about their fears, their pain.

To equate a corporation with a person is a travesty of justice.