I'm basically a creature of habit - I do practically the same thing every week, every day of every week: I go to the office, I meet people, I write, I read, and, of course, I give lectures.

I'm followed everywhere - it has become normal for me.

When the British ruled Malaysia, they burnt millions of acres of Malaysian forests so that they could plant rubber.

Looking back now, I realise why, as prime minister of Malaysia, I was described as a dictator. There were many things I did which were typically dictatorial.

As far as Malaysia is concerned, Singapore is a foreign country.

I know I'm not popular with all the people. Remember, I am 'cruel' or a 'pharaoh.' That's all right. In politics, you get called all types of names.

I cannot accept this country being destroyed by selfish people who only think about themselves.

I resigned on my own, and during my time, the country enjoyed a period of great prosperity.

You can be a liberal and accept same-sex marriage and all that, but that's your business.

Why do I want to remove Najib? I should have thought the whole world would know. This man steals money. Not a few hundred dollars, not a few thousand dollars - he stole billions of dollars, and that has been verified by investigations here in Malaysia and the U.S.

Jewish stinginess and financial wizardry gained them commercial control of Europe and provoked anti-Semitism, which waxed and waned in Europe throughout the ages.

We want to defend the rights of Malaysians. We don't want to sell chunks of this country to foreign companies who will develop whole towns.

I achieved too little result from my principal task, the task of making my race a race that is respected, a race that is honourable, a race that is highly regarded.

Quite a few people who are in the media and in control of the big money seem to want to see these Southeast Asian countries - and, in particular, Malaysia - stop trying to catch up with their superiors and to know their place.

MH370 is a Boeing 777 aircraft. It was built and equipped by Boeing. All the communications and GPS equipment must have been installed by Boeing. If they failed or have been disabled, Boeing must know how it can be done.

Suppose a part of Britain or a part of America was taken away and given to the Jews as Israel. Do you think the Americans are going to sit quietly and say 'Welcome,' and all that? They won't.

The government seems to be set on bankrupting Proton and selling it off, because I think it is regarded as my baby.

We can go into the Chinese market, develop the engine, new models of cars. Proton can compete. What is the point of giving the company to foreigners? It will revert to the same situation where foreigners just assemble their cars here. We learn nothing.

A lawyer wants to get his client off the hook. And even if he knows the client is guilty, he is going to find ways and means of getting him off the hook.

When the people perceive that the print media is reporting what they believe is correct, then they tend to read the print media and to follow news on the television.

Corruption is found everywhere. I admit there is some corruption in my staff - not me.

I won't call it UMNO anymore; this is Najib's party. I feel embarrassed that I am associated with a party that is seen as supporting corruption - it had caused me to feel ashamed.

Democracy must be internally generated. You cannot force it from the top - it's not going to work.

I expect every prime minister to have his own imprint.