I'm a very direct person just generally. I don't use a lot of words unnecessarily. I try to get to the heart of the issue, address it and go on to the next thing.

We need to address hunger, job training, justice. I can't do it alone. We need to elect people who understand the urgency.

In order to govern, you have to win.

There is this real divisive theory that if we allow more immigrants to come into this country, that they're going to take our jobs. It is simply not true. Every person I know who wants to work in a hotel and change sheets can do it.

I don't believe this nation will elect a socialist.

Black lives do matter, and our lives do hold value.

The Ferguson Grand Jury's decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown is a miscarriage of justice. It is a slap in the face to Americans nationwide who continue to hope and believe that justice will prevail.

Promoting healthy lifestyles and encouraging fitness are so important for our children's development and reducing the nation's epidemic of childhood obesity.

The absence of diverse voices leads to policies and programs that adversely impact African-Americans.

We respect our elders. There is wisdom that comes from experience, and I am not going to stop learning from wise counsel.

I want to leave UMNO because it is no longer UMNO. It is a party dedicated to supporting Mr. Najib, to protecting Mr. Najib, to upholding whatever it is that he does, including some of the wrong things that he has done. I cannot be a member of such a party.

If Australia wants to be a friend of Asia, it should stop behaving as if it is there to teach us how to run our country.

It would seem the people who want to preserve the Penans' way of life are condemning them to a life full of diseases and a shorter life span.

A heretic can be tolerated. But a heresy cannot.

If India is not too democratic, it will be like China in terms of development.

I don't believe that you should punish the people of Iraq because you don't like their leader. Saddam Hussein is not being punished. He's fat, and he is eating enough food and living in palaces. But his people are punished by denying them food and medicine.

The Internet is undermining moral values.

I was forced to say, 'I will not censor the Internet.' But I was never convinced.

Democracy for people who are not used to it can undermine stability, resulting in war.

We believe that human rights always applies to the majority, who should have its rights protected. When people demonstrate and go to the streets, they deprive the majority from earning a living.

We all abhor terrorists, but we have to treat them as dangerous to all of us, not to any one particular country.

We say less things about Australians than Australians say about us, calling me a dictator, authoritarian government.

Australia is not a safe place.

When the planes crashed into the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, Bush immediately identified what he thought was the true cause. It was because the Muslims were jealous of the freedom of the American people. It was because the Muslims were poor. This exposes a lack of understanding of things on his part.