Civil rights is unfinished business. Make it your business.

Any staffing changes that disproportionately cut the number of African Americans at CNN - intentionally or otherwise - are an affront to the African American journalism community and to the African American community as a whole.

Unfortunately, my colleagues in Congress have unfairly burdened the Postal Service with a costly, unfunded mandate to pre-pay health care for retirees. No other agency or business has to pay these costs in advance - and neither should the Postal Service.

Faith and service to others were pillars in Rev. DeBose's life. I knew him as a very kind person and an outstanding public servant.

The times when black women have been successful in confronting and overcoming the structural and institutional sexism and racism that persists in our society have been when we are thoughtful and strategic about speaking up. It's when we've done what it takes to introduce and implement our ideas and our plans to make things better.

You would be amazed how many people call my office looking for work every day.

Inviting a foreign head of state to address the Congress is a clear breach of protocol and practice, and undermines the U.S. presidency.

I think calling what Paul Ryan is doing a 'budget' is lending some validity to it. It is not a budget. If it were a budget, he could justify his revenue projections, he could justify his cuts, and he can't. This is a scheme to rob the poor and give to the rich.

I especially remain firmly opposed to a nuclear Iran and will review all related policies and proposed actions from that position.

It is our job, our responsibility as their representatives to help them. If we choose not to do that, we should not be their representatives.

To put it simply, my support of Israel will be just as strong the day after Prime Minister Netanyahu's address as it is today.

A nation cannot be truly great without a moral compass.

We've lost our way if we turn our backs on millions of Americans in need.

We need to tell the American public the truth. We need to let them know they're not the only ones struggling.

If we lower the payroll tax, will Americans let us raise it again? I don't think so.

We are world leaders, and we need to act like it.

I'm not about sound bites. I'm about substance.

I want to raise up the next generation of young people who are going to run this community. I need for them to understand government and how it works.

This is not about race or affiliation, and it isn't about black versus blue. All lives matter.

I think what we do really want to do is make sure that we take chemical weapons away from Syrians. And I do as well believe that because of the threats that have come from the United States, that Russia and Syria both understand that there needs to be some action.

Having been a mayor, we prioritized based on where we want our city and our country to go.

Historically, people of color and the Diaspora have been at the bottom of the barrel, even as it relates to immigration. If we don't engage in the discussion, then what is it that we're saying to people? That we don't care?

You make budget cuts based on what you want to accomplish. You have to decide what is our priority going forward as a country. You cannot do it on the backs of any one group of people... There has to be some balance.

Ethnic sensitivity both on-camera and behind it demonstrates a corporate understanding of the benefits of diversity and a genuine respect for the audiences' needs.