It's not enough to be anti-Trump.

What I favor is that we have health care access to people that is not income based. We have to have health care that is acceptable and it's going to come in a number of forms.

We can and will make Chicago a place where your ZIP code doesn't determine your destiny.

I'm not affiliated with Ed Burke, Joe Berrios or anyone else who represents the old, corrupt Chicago way. I am offering voters a complete break from that past and pushing us forward in a way that brings people together and makes government more inclusive.

I am not tied to the broken political machine, and I did not aspire to climb the ranks of the Cook County Democratic Party to be the party boss.

I am an independent reform candidate. I do not represent the past.

Our kids' lives depend upon keeping them safe. That has to be a fundamental duty and responsibility for me as mayor. That means we have to continue hard but necessary work of bridging the divide between police and communities they serve.

There's things that you can learn by being in the room with people that's different than talking to them over the phone or reading a policy paper.

I know what it's like to be denied opportunity based on the nature of your skin.

When we ignore the will of the people, people lose.

You know, I'm a former federal prosecutor. Before ICE was ICE, I did a lot of cases with Customs Enforcement.

When you're walking down a street and you are a brown-skinned person or you're a person that lives in an immigrant community, there's no differentiating on - solely on the basis of what you look like. They don't walk down the street saying, hi, I'm an immigrant; I'm here legally or not.

What I hear from folks all the time is 'us against them.' It is a core part of what they feel is happening with our government. Investing here, but not there. Listening to some, but not nearly enough. Going into certain neighborhoods, but not others. That divide is something we have to categorically reject.

I think about my parents, and I think a lot about the sacrifices they have made.

We have to have a school board that's actually gonna be able to function and that has true parent representatives on it.

I'm pretty funny on my own.

When young people grow up with fear as the norm, they don't have the luxury to dream.

We need to educate our young people about the dangers of gun violence and that there are real consequences for solving disputes with guns.

My mother is a fascinating person.

Chicago's been under the grip of the corrupt and broken political machine for as long as everybody's memory.

I've wanted to be a parent for a really long time, and I'm going to make sure I'm doing everything I can to be present in her life, to be her mother. I don't want to be absent from her life.

One of the challenges I think we have is people feel like the act of governance is a zero sum game. 'Whatever I get, you're not getting.' Changing that dynamic is going to be critically important for me as a leader, so that people don't feel they're pitted against each other.

I don't think I'll be a good mayor if I don't live my authentic life, and that's got to be involved with having fun with my spouse and my daughter.

Look, there's no question that we have a challenge with gun violence. But there's a lot more nuanced parts of that narrative, and that's the part that I think that we have to make sure that we emphasize along with all the great things that are going on in Chicago, particularly in our neighborhoods.