I always have these debates with my friends, I was like 'can you imagine dropping LeBron in '75?' and I was like 'bro he'd win 15 championships in a row.'

Greatness is contagious.

Never give up. That's my Clippers story, never give up.

You can go to war at 18, so you should be able to make a living at 18, especially if college isn't what you see for yourself.

A lot of the stories I got on A.I., I can't say publicly. Overall, I just really appreciated how he went about going into games. He got a lot of flak for the 'practice' comment, but every game, he gave it his all.

It doesn't really matter to me whether you start or not. I play a lot of fourth quarters. I think that's what's most important to me. I think that's what I've always cared about, just having an opportunity to finish games when it's really winning time.

I think as competitors, that's why we get into this, to gain respect from the guys who have played the game, and you walk away and they say, 'He was a tough cover - that dude was nice.'

You know what, Kawhi talks the most in our group chat. The dude is a leader.

Some guys like to eat two or three different times a day before the game. I eat once, and that's it.

I've always had jewelry over the years, but when it comes to clothes, I'm just a white or black Polo tee guy with some jeans and a pair of Jordans, and I'm cool. As long as I'm comfortable, I'm cool.

When people treat you well, you just want to transfer it back over.

I don't sleep much. I think it's hereditary. My mom doesn't sleep. My dad never slept. My naps are definitely when I get the most sleep. I'm a big napper - that's when I get most of my sleep.

When you play in Toronto you feel like you're playing overseas. We can't wait to go on the road sometimes just to be in America.

I like to lead by example. I like to lead by my actions.

Every 10 years the game changes.

Kobe Bryant is a walking stat himself. He doesn't have to explain what he brings to the table.

I don't like idle time.

I've never been a follower, but I've been an admirer.

I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee. Big time blues and music city. It's always been in my bloodline.

Whenever I'm out on the basketball court, I lace up and just hoop. Whether it's in summertime, at practice, in the games, playoffs, every time I step out on the basketball court, I approach it the same way.

I've had very supportive teammates.

I'm an Atlanta guy. I think Philly knows that. But I've adopted Philly as my second home, and they've embraced me.

Repetitions - I think that's one of the best ways during the season to maintain something or get better at it, is just to do it over and over.

I'm kind of arrogant and cocky when I play... It's kind of weird. It's like I have split personalities.