I didn't realize I was that short!

I love hooping. I love competing.

I watch a lot of Bill Maher.

Music was a big part of my family with gatherings, picnics, barbecues.

Honestly, I was a troublemaker. The environment I grew up in, my mom and my sister, they decided they were going to sign me up in every single thing to keep me busy. I played football, basketball, baseball. Anything, whatever was in season, I was signed up for it. Basketball was one of the things that just stuck.

I think in Toronto my job was to score just based on the system that we had. We played a lot of iso basketball - a lot of one-on-one basketball.

I would love to start if a coach considered me as a starter.

I'm not easily influenced by a lot of people.

I'm not going to be the guy that says, 'I'm the new point guard, look at me, look at me, put me on billboards and sell my jersey.' I'm not going to be him. I'm going to do my job.

Obviously, Ray Allen is a huge threat, Eddie House coming off the bench is a huge threat, as far as three-pointers go.

Any time you make a basketball team you have the opportunity to be successful.

I always thought I was a good shooter.

It's one of those things I have been able to do - play well with my teammates and getting others involved.

I've always been kind of a fourth-quarter guy.

I'm conscious of my turnovers.

Coming off the bench was an adjustment for me.

I realize the responsibility of being a starting point guard.

I've always had a maturity level different than guys my age.

I've always been friends with guys who are 6, 7 years older than me.

I'm a creature of habit. I don't really like change.

There's crime everywhere.

A guy tried to rob me but decided not to because of whatever I do in the community. He's a Lou Williams fan, so he didn't rob me.

I wanted to prove that I could be a starter. And then once I realized I was gonna be a sixth man and it wasn't gonna change, I just relished the role. I just said, 'I'm going to make it really hard on whoever it is that has to guard me these next 10-11 minutes that I'm in here.' And after a while you just create an identity.

I can't shoot straight-up. I've always played crooked. One of my coaches says I play backwards. I do everything backwards. I don't have coordination. It's weird to watch me play.