All of my parents' friends worked in public sector jobs. The teachers at my school were quite often card-carrying members of the Labour Party and it just was not part of the culture to approve of what the government was doing.

We spent a lot of time talking about politics at home. We went to the camp at Greenham Common.

I was Margaret Thatcher in the school election during the 1983 General Election.

I'm very concerned that a lot of our land is being taken up with solar farms.

I want Britain to lead the world in food and farming and to do that we need enough productive agricultural land.

I love Britain. It really worries me, the prospect of Ed Miliband propped up by Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP and what that could do to our country. It's absolutely right that we highlight to voters that potential risk.

It's absolutely right that we scrutinise the leaders who after all are going to be in a position of great power.

I'm a big fan of political editor Allegra Stratton.

I admire Peter Mandleson's chutzpah and the way he transformed the Labour party but not his dubious ideas about Europe and industrial policy.

I think we've got caught up in the weeds of Brexit, and... the approach has been to try and compromise and split the difference. And that to me is not what Brexit is about.

I didn't become a Tory just to become part of a managerial group who wanted to run the country... I want to see popular free-market Conservatism where barriers are broken down, people have got more opportunities but keep more of their own money.

I think there's a danger in politics of being too risk-averse.

Women are not going to start businesses because we tell them we don't have enough people of a certain group. People want to start businesses because it's a way of fulfilling their ambitions and dreams.

Nobody wants to be in a room or their business to be funded because they're a woman. They don't want to be discriminated against because they're a woman.

I have been the only female minister in every government department I've worked in.

If I do feel scared I deliberately challenge myself not to feel scared.

I hate rodents. I mean, the House of Commons is completely infested. I will stand on a chair if I see one of the things.

I've been anxious but not depressed. I'm an incorrigible optimist.

I think every woman in this country will understand what it means to be mansplained to. It happens in everyday life - you know, if you go into a shop, or you're talking about finance.

I want people to buy British because it's the tastiest food and the most exciting food.

I'm proud to say like many of my colleagues in the Conservative Party I am fully behind Theresa May's Brexit plans.

Leaving the European Union really does give us a chance as a country to become more outward-looking, to become more competitive, and to deepen our links with our partners right across the world.

Economics and finance is the final frontier for women; it's the last thing they will conquer because controlling finance is at the heart of everything in government.

It's vital to our economic mission that we fight vested interests, and make sure our country's opportunities are open to everyone - big or small, north or south, man or woman.