Let's cut the top rates of stamp duty to enable more movement to take place and also looking at the broader tax reform, simplifying our tax system.

Coronavirus may well represent the biggest health crisis any of us experience in our lifetimes.

I feel I'm fortunate compared with a lot of parents in being able to afford a nanny but, you know, it's expensive. When we've looked into trying to find a full daycare place in London it's just been impossible. You just cannot get one.

We are fighting a Labour Party whose avowed enemy is capitalist bosses, whose instinct is to see income as a common pool resource, and whose leading figures find profit morally repugnant.

I try to be as clear and straight as I can in what I am putting forward. I think people are fed up with politicians where there are lots of bland lines to take.

We are working hard at home and on the international stage to further identify the problems on the horizon and to ensure we reboot trade post-Covid-19.

Free-flow play is not compulsory, but there is a belief across lots of nurseries that it is. I have seen too many chaotic settings, where children are running around. There's no sense of purpose.

I was interested in the ideas - freedom, free speech and having control of my own life. That's why I became a Tory.

Brexit has energised millions of people, young and old, to take part in our democracy and that's a great thing.

I campaigned for the UK to stay in the European Union but the country chose a different path.

Choice is a national instinct. This capitalist bedrock of our prosperity and security is threatened by a Labour Party that wants to overthrow the whole system.

And after Brexit, we will be free to determine our economic future, with control over our money, laws and borders.

Election campaigns always have to have colour and excitement and interest. People want to know about the details of politicians, what they like doing in their spare time, about their families. I think that's human.

As Trade Secretary I see the world is waiting. The Australians, the Americans, the Kiwis, the Japanese - they all want us to get Brexit done so that we can begin negotiations and forge new relationships that will open up new markets for British businesses, create jobs and attract new investment.

From the coffee bars of Camden to the gin joints of Norfolk - across Britain, a revolution is brewing. And no, it's not John McDonnell's bitter socialist hooch. It's a generation growing up with an entirely different view of the world - free thinking, optimistic and hungry for success.

Maintaining confidence in international trade will be critical to the broader economic recovery in the post-Covid world.

Tyrrells crisps are one of the top sellers in France. I don't know if you've tasted crisps in other countries, but I really think British crisps are world leaders. I went to China and they told me there is only one type of potato available there.

I have nice watches. I don't set them.

I look at my cell phone to see what time it is where I am, and then you behave accordingly. If people are eating, it must be time to eat.

I'm not afraid to spend money on the R&D that's really going to move us to a cleaner energy source that I think is so much the answer to the issues of environmental responsibility and climate change.

I'm a firm believer that if you put together a good product that is just good policy, that is embraced by both sides so that it is seen as politically advantageous to the Republicans or Democrats, that even in this very polarized partisan world that you can advance legislation. I have to believe that, or I wouldn't want to get up every morning.

It's much more powerful to say I'm working to reduce spending, deal with our nation's deficit, push back on the federal government, and give specifics for that rather than just say, 'I'm a conservative.'

The thought of losing Ted Stevens, a man who was known to business and community leaders, Native chiefs and everyday Alaskans as Uncle Ted, is too difficult to fathom. He truly was the greatest of the Greatest Generation.

How we move forward with a level of R&D support that will be meaningful allows us to really build on and enhance our energy opportunities in this country.