The world is run by monsters and you have to deal with them. Some of them run countries, some of them run banks, some of them run news corporations.

I'm an emotional person; I do occasionally shed a tear.

I've always been a workaholic. I reckon, on average, I've had less than one day a year off in my working career.

I think it's much more important to keep people in work than have pay rises.

I spent the 1960s and 1970s seeking myself - the working-class tradition of self-education.

Global warming could be solved by shifting three to four per cent of global GDP to pay for it.

If voting changed anything, they'd abolish it.

I was the first attorney general to court to fight Obamacare - about 30 minutes after the president signed the bill.

The notion that those of us that are pro-life because we love children - is that so terrible? Really? Is that so terrible?

Really, given that God does judge nations, it's amazing that abortion has run as far and foully as it has without what I would consider to be a greater imposition of judgment on this country. Who knows what the future holds?

When Eric Cantor lost, being the only majority leader in history to lose a primary, that was pretty - and still is - earth-shattering in Virginia and across the country.

It is hard to argue that the conservative movement is not having success.

I've always been one of those folks who think competition is actually a good thing. And if we're going to preach it as a party, we need to practice it.

I was one of the founding members of State Legislators for Legal Immigration.

We don't have a free market in health care. We need to connect customers up with the cost of care. And to drive innovation that way.

We need to move back toward a free market.

The truth is our friend.

Simply being secretary of state didn't allow Clinton to authorize herself to deviate from the requirements of retaining and transmitting classified documents, materials and information.

It borders on inconceivable that Clinton didn't know that the emails she received - and, more obviously, the emails that she created, stored and sent with the server - would contain classified information.

I absolutely believe that President Obama was born in the United States. I don't buy into the claims that he wasn't.

A media-only campaign has its advantages, but it also has its very severe disadvantages.

On the issues the Tea Party cares about, I land right in their bull's-eye.

I start with a concern about the growth of federal government. I start with a perspective concerned about the growth of that power, and containing it within the bounds of the Constitution.

I don't get to sue just because I don't like something.