All the politics of the post-war period was about the clash between the Soviet Union and America, and virtually all issues ended up being subordinated to that. Now, the question is, what is the most a socialist can achieve in a global economy?

I grew up in Lambeth, I went to normal schools and I've grown up in a city where people say what they think.

There needs to be radical development in equality law to create the environment to allow women to stay in work.

My administration will tackle these issues in consultation with the black communities of London.

I undertake that, in the exercise of my functions of that office I will have regard to any guidance with respect to ethical standards issued by the secretary of state under Section 66 of the Greater London Authority Act 1999.

I Kenneth Robert Livingstone, having been elected to the office of mayor of London, declare that I take that office upon myself, and will duly and faithfully fulfil the duties of it to the best of my judgement and ability.

World wide capitalism kills more people everyday then Hitler did. And he was crazy.

Anybody who enjoys being in the House of Commons probably needs psychiatric help.

Thatcher was prepared to destroy the world rather than give in on something she believed in.

I would like to sound like James Mason. I reckon if I'd had a better voice I could have been prime minister. It is the most irritating voice in public life.

I was a weedy kid, not like one of those working-class men who can accommodate not being academically clever by physical strength and prowess.

I'm in exactly the same position as everybody else who has a small business.

The people I really most admire are Robert Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt. If you know someone, it is very hard to revere them.

Psephology isn't a hate crime.

You lose power in Britain and you are just Joe Public again.

The civil service are risk averse.

Most people wouldn't want to marry a politician.

Well, I mean, I'm very much a pragmatic person.

Every budget I have ever prepared has been balanced.

I am a socialist, a believer in rational thought and the rule of law.

If women had never been given the right to vote, then Labour would have won every election after the war.

I have only ever borrowed money for investment. I have been sound money all my life.

The best way to demonstrate the values of a western democracy is you put Osama bin Laden on trial; you challenge what he says.

I do explicitly see Jewish people as a people - not either a religion or an ethnicity but a people.