The single greatest force for deficit reduction is a growing economy.

Tax Day is often a source of frustration for taxpayers, so anything that can make the process less painful is appreciated.

I've spent my whole life before coming to Congress as a Chamber of Commerce manager. What that means is you help start small businesses, help them grow in good times and bad.

When we don't unite, we do a terrible job.

The Affordable Care Act has hurt more people that it's helped.

Texas is made for trade.

We cannot allow American taxpayers to foot the bill for tax revenue grabs in Europe and elsewhere.

We must move aggressively in Asia-Pacific because our competitors like China are moving very swiftly to tie down a regional trade agreement that leaves... our farmers and our workers and our businesses out.

I'm a strong-and-stable-dollar advocate, and the Fed has been moving dangerously away from that mission.

Whether you are pro-choice or strongly pro-life, as I am, there should be common ground that abortion ceases to be an option when a baby can live outside the mother's womb or experience excruciating pain from a procedure.

The global boom in commodities fueled by a debt-financed infrastructure and real-estate bubble in China is over.

We think Medicare Advantage is a key part of healthcare and is bringing some of the innovation - I think a lot of the innovation - back to that marketplace for seniors.

It's just wrong to work your whole life to build up a nest egg, build your own business - you pass away, and Uncle Sam can swoop in and take away nearly half of everything you've earned. Can you imagine that? Having to sell off most of your land just to keep it from the government, just to save the house.

We will never be defined by tragedy but, instead, by how we respond to it.

Inflation destroys savings, impedes planning, and discourages investment. That means less productivity and a lower standard of living.

Short of being prime minister there isn't a better job in British politics than running London.

I'm more interested in politicians who deal with human rights in their own country rather than lecture the rest of the world.

My main income is from speaking.

I have no interest in managing my financial affairs.

I have met the people who run the world, and I am not in awe of them.

Give me the whole world to run and then I'll be happy. If tomorrow I was told I had to sort out the whole world's problems I'd sleep like a baby.

I would like all newspapers to become workers' co-operatives.

I think democracy's undermined when those who own newspapers fill them with trivia rather than real issues.

I have opened newspapers and read incredible lies.