And I am convinced that a single focus on preserving the purchasing power of the dollar, in effect, guarding against inflation or deflation, actually creates a solid foundation for the greatest job growth and the strongest economy that America can have.

Soaring rhetoric will not restore the American people's confidence in their government.

The speakers I value don't just sound intelligent but can boil down complex issues in a clear, understandable way that encourages the public to think about the solutions.

We must cut federal spending - every wasted dollar, every low priority program, and every unconstitutional overreach - every day.

Ways and Means is the committee that tackles the big issues that affects people's lives and their jobs in a major way.

I know we disagree with Mr. Trump on this area. I'm hopeful that we can convince him that making our tax code more pro-growth will make America stronger, but to do that, it's not enough to simply buy American: we need to sell American all throughout the world.

I love trade. I love trade. First, it's economic freedom. It's the freedom to buy, sell, and compete with as little government interference as possible. Secondly, it's a jobs issue.

This turbulent world is far from a perfect place.

Tax reform for the 21st century means rewarding hardworking families by closing unfair loopholes, lowering tax rates across the board, and simplifying the tax code dramatically. It demands reducing the tax burden on American businesses of all sizes so they can keep more of their income to invest in our communities.

I'm tired of seeing American jobs, manufacturing, and headquarters forced overseas due to a tax code that works against us.

The people now trapped in Obamacare did what the government mandated them to do - they complied with the law. They should not be left out to dry.

America's real national security interest in the region is protecting our friend Israel.

I'm not going to risk our precious military resources on an ineffective, unproductive mission.

Congress must build on the success of the Budget Control Act.

I stopped - just killed - President Obama's $10-a-barrel gas tax.

Americans have seen the value of the dollar slowly decline due to the steady erosion of inflation.

I think it is a mistake to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership because if America abandons the Asia Pacific markets, we'll lose.

Our broken tax code is one of the main reasons the United States lags behind when it comes to economic growth, job creation, and competitiveness. Without pro-growth tax reform, our workers and our businesses will continue to suffer.

Washington knows how to spend money.

Longer and more frequent delays for international passengers at Bush will only cede business to Houston's competitors - and the jobs that go along with it.

As Chairman of the Ways and Means committee, I am proud to have written about half of the American Health Care Act that passed the House so we can finally provide Americans with patient-centered healthcare that fits your family's needs.

As chairman of the tax-writing House Ways & Means Committee, I continue to be inspired by President Reagan's 1985 national address to the American people as he challenged them to join him in boldly reforming the broken, complex tax code.

America's tax code is beyond repair. Tinkering with it won't work. The only hope is a bold tax-reform plan that will liberate our nation from the slow-growth status quo and jump-start a new era of American prosperity and growth.

The Reagan tax reform delivered real fairness, closing loopholes for Washington special interests so that all Americans could keep more of their hard-earned paychecks.