There is a difficult leap between talking about balancing the budget and actually doing it.

I think NAFTA has been extremely beneficial to the United States, in many ways, but there's no question after 23 years it needs to be updated, to say the least.

Requiring the Fed to focus on preserving the purchasing power of the dollar will create a solid foundation for economic growth.

This bill, the Sound Dollar Act, is all about looking forward about the role the Fed should play.

Obamacare's design flaws were not the fault of the American people.

Urgency creates decision making.

Our Savior's birth is the ultimate reminder that miracles happen and often when we don't expect them.

You know Washington. If the deadline is midnight, they'll start working on it at 11:30.

Given a choice between President Trump with more freedom for Americans and ObamaCare with more government, I chose to stand with President Trump and freedom.

To achieve responsible budget savings, government must be retooled with an effective spending-control system.

Houston is a dynamic, international city shaped by leaders who dreamed big and acted with an eye firmly focused on the long term.

South Dakota, like a lot of rural states, small states, there are small cities with a very big work ethic, very common sense approach. That has certainly shaped me.

And again, President Obama's health care plan really is another drag on the economy. Until we get Washington out of the way, this president's recovery is going to continue to rank dead last.

If we were starting from scratch, there's no question a simple retail consumption tax with protections for those with lower incomes would drive the economy the best and be the simplest to administer.

What I'm absolutely certain of is, every day we delay in accessing that Asia-Pacific region, the more we lose economically.

As chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee - the chief tax-writing body in Congress - I understand that true comprehensive tax reform is tremendously difficult.

It's time to permanently lower America's tax gate so that the $2 trillion in stranded U.S. profits can flow back into America to be invested in new jobs, research and growth.

Unlike the American inventions and achievements that have expanded horizons of possibility, our nation's tax code has become an excessive burden that strangles individual opportunity and economic freedom.

My belief is that despite all the media hoopla, there is much more that unites Republicans than divides us.

For decades, American companies, large and small, have been competing with one hand tied behind their backs thanks to our unfair, outdated tax code.

I firmly believe Americans are far better off under tax reform than they ever were sticking with this old, messed up, outdated tax code.

The ability to immediately deduct the costs of capital investments will help employers improve worker productivity and output - which grows Main Street jobs. And with these savings, businesses across the country will have more freedom to grow, hire new workers, and increase wages.

Voters have figured out Republicans want to save Medicare for the long term, and they know that those who say everything's just fine with it aren't leveling with them.

Our focus is on ensuring America has the strongest economy in the world for the next 100 years and to do that, we need to get to the role of the Federal Reserve and we need to get it right.