We are great believers in the idea that the Internet can help bring justice, but justice varies from place to place across the world.

We do not want to interfere with the freedom of press.

The government must understand that it cannot substitute the health, nutrition, and overall development outcomes of Indian citizens with 'efficiency gains.'

The optimal use of natural resources can be made only if there is a well-thought-out policy framework for their exploitation towards a particular end use.

I have no personal ambitions. I consider it a great privilege to have been given an opportunity to serve, through the Congress party, the people of India. I think that itself is a great reward. I have no personal ambitions in that regard.

For a movie, you have to make sure the lyrics are consistent with the rhythm that is given to you. But, at times, during the song's recording, you find out that your words are not appropriate for the track, and so you have to change them.

Sedition involves sloganeering with incitement. It may be anti-national, but not a crime, unless you incite violence or communal tension.

The BJP, undoubtedly, is a party with a mission. Spreading hatred and religious discord, indulging in state-sponsored violence and fake encounter killings, and resorting to divisive politics have been integral to this mission.

Intolerance is alien to Hinduism.

That's what technology does to you - makes you lazy but allows you to innovate.

The fabric of our Constitution and our civilisational culture is based on tolerance.

Governments getting involved in sports activities would ultimately damage sports.

If you have decisions taken from time to time at the level of the executives, which gives the impression of being discriminatory, if you are not open when government is functioning, then obviously people will make allegations.

Every child should get an opportunity to study irrespective of the economic status.

Ever since Modi became prime minister, he has given a free rein to his ministers and BJP functionaries to create an environment of communal tension and violence.

The press in India, I believe, is more free, and happily so, than perhaps media anywhere in the world. Right? Which is a good thing.

When I took over the ministry for science and technology, our weather systems were in shambles. Nobody believed in the IMD. Nothing was in digital mode. I changed all that. We got automatic rain gauges, automatic weather stations, Doppler radars.

How do you trust a government whose people are proved to be untrustworthy?

Corruption is everywhere. It's not just in the Congress. Corruption is not just your prerogative or mine.

Cleanliness is a good thing, which the society should embrace. But it has nothing to do with Modi, nor can he implement it.

To the youth who have taken up guns, I urge them to return to their parents and shun violence.

A single element in transactional mode can never be analysed to calculate either loss or presumptive loss. The losses or gains of all elements in the transaction need to be analysed.

The DNA of a true Hindu is liberal. We are, by essence, liberal.

Normally, the law of nature is such that one who rises falls, and one who rises quickly falls as quickly. I don't know how the law of nature will work as far as Modi is concerned. But some time or the other, all bubbles burst. This bubble will also burst.