The government must adopt a rights-based approach that speaks to the needs and aspirations of surrogate mothers, children born out of surrogacy, and all individuals who want access to altruistic surrogacy services.

I personally believe technology can transform the functioning of the judicial system.

To fix India's healthcare scenario, what is most needed is 'systems thinking.' For far too long, India has followed a vertical approach in its health sector, which translated into disease-specific national programmes being set up.

If two people cannot live together, both should have the right to opt out of the marriage. In an ideal world, that would be an acceptable solution.

I have never applied for a share in Tehelka.

If you employ an army, have money, bombard cyberspace with misinformation, innocent people tend to buy it.

I think poetry is a fabulous medium to encapsulate thoughts far more precisely than prose.

Just as judges have enormous stake in the appointment of judicial officers in the higher judiciary, the government has an equal stake. Since both of us have stakes in the appointment of members of the higher judiciary, the consultation of both of them is absolutely necessary. The government must have a say.

Judges decide upon copyright law. They decide upon trademark law. They decide upon scientific issues. They decide upon very complex technical issues on a daily basis. So you must have confidence in the Supreme Court, that they will apply their mind and they will come out with a decision consistent with the Constitution.

It would be a matter of concern for government if intrusive data capture has been deployed against Indian citizens or government infrastructure.

Internet governance is an oxymoron. The Internet must govern itself. But you can't play cricket without any rules.

Humility is an attribute of every good Hindu.

Nationalism and anti-nationalism is a matter of perception. You cannot mandate who is a nationalist and what is not.

The genesis of Public Interest Litigation in listening to the voice of the voiceless and giving access to the poor, the marginalised, and the weak is a unique experiment to be lauded.

I am a lawyer by profession.

I have only one sister, Asha Nanda, and she lives in Maharani Bagh.

I've always been interested in politics.

If Rob Ford decided he wanted to run for the Liberal Party in 2015, we'd say, 'No, sorry, the way you approach things, the way you govern, the way you behave is not suitable to the kind of Liberal team we want to build.'

Vancouver is home. I spent a huge amount of time here as a kid growing up with my mom, with my grandparents who lived here.

The Liberal Party will not vote - no Liberal member of Parliament will vote - to take away a woman's right to choose.

I have spent an awful lot of time listening to Canadians, learning from them, working with them.

Canadians are tired of being cynical.

My job is to do the best possible job for my country, and I wouldn't want someone else telling me what I should be doing in Canada.

We are going to remain an important part of the coalition against ISIL.