Our 21st-century world is an incredibly dangerous one. Between brutal civil wars, violent extremism, spreading autocracy, rising inequality, territorial expansionism, election interference, and nuclear proliferation, our policymakers have their hands full.

One answer to transportation infrastructure funding is public-private partnerships.

When there's no light at the end of the tunnel, it's hard to keep things going.

Amateurs do tactics, experts do logistics, as we learn in the military.

The devastating punch we took on September 11th still reverberates throughout American society.

Abe Foxman has been a friend and advisor of mine for a long time.

There's only one person in this race who will be there, who's always been there for you, and that's Hillary Clinton's life story.

Foreign policy is like human relations, only people know less about each other.

Well, I thought the deal was, when you went to work for the government you weren't supposed to make money!

Presumptuous for me to say, but at least - at a minimum - I've been able to influence the direction of the Democratic Party on foreign policy. And I've been relatively - presumptuous to say - relatively successful legislatively in the Senate, being able to win a lot of Republican friends, and being able to cross the aisle.

You know, my Grandpop Finnegan used to have an expression: he used to say, 'Joey, the guy in Olyphant's out of work, it's an economic slowdown. When your brother-in-law's out of work, it's a recession. When you're out of work, it's a depression.'

I have an expression I use as I've gone around the world through my career: 'You never tell another man or woman what's in their interest. They know their interest better than you know their interest.'

It's presumptuous to say you know how somebody feels.

No matter how you cut it, this real debate on personal accounts is about the legitimacy of Social Security; it's not about the solvency of Social Security.

This nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power.

I know why we're strong. I know why we have held together; I know why we are united: it's because there's always been a growing middle class.

You are twice as likely to be struck by lightning as you around to be affected by a terrorist event in the United States.

I'm not big on flak jackets and tie-dyed shirts. You know, that's not me.

Putin sought to keep Ukraine weak through corruption.

Over the objections, where they sound like squealing pigs, over the objections of Romney and all his allies, we passed some of the toughest Wall Street regulations in history, turning Wall Street back into the allocator of capital it always has been and no longer a casino. And they want to repeal it.

In my neighborhood, when you've got something to say to a guy, you look him in the eye and you say it to him.

Saudi Arabia has allowed training on its soil of American forces.

I was kind of secretly hoping one of my kids would go out and make a million bucks. So when they put me in a home, at least I'll have a window with a view.

The American people are so much stronger, so much more resolved than any enemy can fully understand.