If we reduce the minimum voting age to 16, as we should, then people could be auto-registered when they are issued with a national insurance card.

Our challenge is to restore both trust in Labour as a party of government and trust in democracy as the best means of delivering what the public wants.

People just don't believe we'll deliver what we say we will. They don't believe we want to listen or to understand their lives. And they don't believe we are able to do much to make their lives better.

We've all got to discover the courage to ask the difficult questions about the future of our party and the future of the working-class communities who need a Labour government.

When you're left on the floor of a hospital gasping for breath, or you can't get your kid a school place, the simplest things are your idea of radical.

To liberate women and end violence is to break down the culture of power imbalance.

As a woman, I don't trust Boris Johnson with my rights and that's largely because of the things that he has said and done in his political life.

I was politically complacent during the Blair years. Things were good and people thought things would be good forever.

Every day I receive messages that I'm not good enough, that I should lose my job.

My favourite film is probably 'Star Wars'. I do love 'Starship Troopers', it is a great film but it's not a film I watch over and over again. Whereas 'Star Wars' I've watched over and over again all my life, and it's a film I can tolerate watching with my children.

The trouble for lots of politicians is they worry so much about everybody liking every single thing that they do.

There's not a single diet I haven't been on.

I under no circumstances want to be seen as a victim. I have worked with victims of sexual violence and I don't have a candle to hold to the experiences of those victims.

There's something wrong with the Labour party. There's something wrong with the fact that women never rise to the top.

The fact that I stick up for women doesn't mean that I think all men are rapists. But that's lost somewhere in translation. Obviously I don't think that. I married one! I gave birth to two of them.

Boris Johnson needs to be challenged, with passion, heart and precision.

In every single place I have campaigned in and every single place I have lived, people want some fairly basic things. They want to believe that they are safe, they want to know that their children will be educated and that if they are ill, they will be made better.

The greatest lie that was ever told is that I'm some sort of rightwinger.

I would do whatever I could to make Jeremy Corbyn more electable, but you've got to give me something to work with, mate.

I hate when people send me LinkedIn requests.

I'm stunned at the amount of young women who get in touch with me every single day, trying to become somebody like me. As a teenager, I would never have done that. And I was someone who was interested in politics. But I wouldn't have emailed the local MP.

I wanted to be an MP who was normal. I believe in politics, I'm a proud parliamentarian, and I want people to want parliamentarians again.

I enjoy taking people on on Twitter, because often I'm cleverer and funnier.

I was never a ringleader, but I was willing, when asked questions, to give my opinion. And when you say things quite bluntly, it's very easy for people to hang their hats on that.